[KYOTO Design Lab テキスタイル・サマースクール関連企画]

2017年7月24日〜8月4日の日程で開催する「KYOTO Design Lab テキスタイル・サマースクール」にあわせて、英国王立芸術学院[RCA]のアン・トゥーミー氏によるパブリックレクチャーを開催いたします。ぜひご参加ください。

Advanced Textiles: Surfaces, Structures and Soft Systems

講師|アン・トゥーミー(英国王立芸術学院 テキスタイル専攻長)
日時|2017年8月1日[火] 18:00-20:00
会場|京都工芸繊維大学 東3号館1階101号室


アン・トゥーミー Anne Toomey

[KYOTO Design Lab Textiles Summer School related Lecture]

Anne Toomey’s public lecture will be on 1 August, 2017.

Advanced Textiles: Surfaces, Structures and Soft Systems

Lecturer: Anne Toomey [Head of Programme, Textiles, RCA]
Time: 18:00-20:00, Tuesday 1 August, 2017
Venue: East Building No.3, 4f E3-101, Kyoto Institute of Technology

We imagine our future environments as fluid, intuitive, human-centered ecosystems that will sense and react to conditions on and around the body. We expect this to provide experiences and services that will elevate the quality of human life while coexisting seamlessly with the natural environment and our individual physiologies. Fundamental to this are new material technologies and fabrication processes. New types of materials with new characteristics and behaviours offer unprecedented opportunities to re-think the relationship between ourselves and our habitat. Yet, in looking forward, we must not forget to look back and question the things we think we already know. Can new opportunities be found in re-thinking the traditional?

Anne Toomey is a Head of Programme, Textiles, RCA.
