2017年8月21日から9月8日に渡る3週間の起業家育成プログラム「Kyoto Startup Summer School (KS3)」のプロジェクト成果を公開展示する「デモデイ」が、最終日となる9月8日に京都工芸繊維大学にて開催されます。デモデイとは、スタートアップ企業が製品開発を通じて成長することを促す、スタートアップ・アクセラレータプログラムです。起業家、投資家、メディア、メンター、コミュニティなどがデモデイ参加し、スタートアップの進展状況を把握し、その努力を労い、時には投資をその場で決定することもあります。投資家、メディア、そして消費者にとって、若きスタートアップの製品・サービスについて一堂に会して学ぶことができる素晴らしい方法です。
標 題: Kyoto Startup Summer School デモデイ
日 時: 2017年9月8日[金] 18:00-21:00(開場 17:45)
会 場: 京都工芸繊維大学 60周年記念ホール
ウェブ: http://www.kyotostartupschool.org/
主 催: 京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab
17:45 開場
18:15 はじめに-スシ・スズキ[特任准教授]
18:20 基調演説 “Venture Habitat: Past, Present, and Future” -アレン・マイナー[株式会社サンブリッジ 代表取締役会長兼グループCEO]
18:40 プレゼンテーション
21:00 閉会
アレン・マイナー/Allen Miner
For the first time ever, startups participating in Kyoto Startup Summer School will be presenting their companies to the general audience and media. Come check out the young startups from around the world!
8th September, 2017
17:45 Venue Opens
18:15 Introduction
18:20 Keynote Speech, Allen Miner
18:40 Startup Presentations
20:00 Networking Time
21:00 Venue closes
60th anniversary Hall, Kyoto Institute of Technology
The list of startups will be announced soon!
Keynote Speech
“Venture Habitat: Past, Present, and Future”
– Allen Miner, Founder/Chairman and CEO, SunBridge
Allen Miner, Founder and CEO of SunBridge, is one of Japan’s leading venture capitalists and angel investors with significant experience in internet, enterprise software, entrepreneurship and international business development. He and his firm were early backers of many innovative Japanese startups including Macromill, ITMedia and G-Mode and have been instrumental in the Japan market success of Salesforce.com, Concur, Marketo, Demandware and others.
Through The Miner Foundation, he provides funding, guidance and support to a variety of organizations furthering social innovation and entrepreneurship in Japan and at Stanford University.
Upon his graduation from Brigham Young University, Mr. Miner joined Oracle Corporation in 1986, where he subsequently founded and helped lead Oracle Japan. In 1999, he founded SunBridge and established the Venture Habitat in Tokyo (2000), Palo Alto (2008) and Osaka (2010) to support the startup ecosystem in Japan and to connect it with the Silicon Valley.
Allen Miner has been recognized by Forbes and Always On as one of the world’s 100 top technology investors.
What is the Kyoto Startup Summer School?
Kyoto Startup Summer School is a three week program at the KYOTO Design Lab with the goal of getting young people to be more knowledgeable and excited about startups and entrepreneurship. The program consists of four workshops and eleven independent lectures, all taught by different practitioners and academics.
In 2017, over 200 students applied for the program from which roughly 40 students from over twenty countries were selected to participate as individuals or teams. The demo day feature those who joined the program as teams.
What is a demo day?
Demo days are a common feature of startup accelerator programs that help (and sometimes invest in) startup companies in developing their product and growing the company. Demo days bring together startups, investors, the media, mentors, and the community to discover the progress that startups made and celebrate their efforts. For investors, media, and the general audience, it is a great way of learning about new hot startups.