
廃棄物=素材からはじまるデザイン: ブライトン大学との共同ワークショップDesign Upcycling: Design Workshop with the University of Brighton

廃棄物=素材からはじまるデザイン: ブライトン大学との共同ワークショップDesign Upcycling: Design Workshop with the University of Brighton

We organise cross-disciplinary workshops and joint projects, academic exchanges, seminars and lectures alongside Design Associate and Designer-in-Residence Programs and a Professional Practice Program. The overarching aim is to provide new models for cross-disciplinary, practice-based, experimental design education that will prepare young designers and architects for the challenges that lie ahead.

廃棄物=素材からはじまるデザイン: ブライトン大学との共同ワークショップDesign Upcycling: Design Workshop with the University of Brighton

廃棄物=素材からはじまるデザイン: ブライトン大学との共同ワークショップDesign Upcycling: Design Workshop with the University of Brighton
