



Mark Laban
2016年にセントラル・セント・マーチンズにて家具デザインの修士号を取得。CNC技術の専門家であり、デジタル製造技術を用いて伝統的な工芸と現代の工芸を架橋する作品を制作している。デジタル時代における工芸の意味を問い、それが近い将来にどのように変化していくのかを考えることを目的としている。ロンドンを拠点として活動しており、最近の作品はロンドンのAram Galleryにて展示されている。Rustic Stool 1.0が2017年のWood AwardsにてStudent Prizeを受賞。

Digital Daiku: reimagining Kitayama Sugi in a digital fabrication world

How can Japanese traditional joinery skills and knowledge inform digital fabrication methods so that they can work in tandem to enable new product iterations?

How can materials like Kitayama Sugi with specific cultural meanings and contextual uses be reinterpreted for use in other design contexts?

This project seeks to address two current issues. The generation of temple carpenters who acquired their skills in a pre-digital age is a rapidly ageing one. It means that their implicit materials-based knowledge built up over generations is in danger of being lost, unless it can be translated to inform digital formats so that the two work in tandem. Similarly, a new generation of craftspeople untrained in Japanese traditional joinery skills will need to understand how to harness digital fabrication techniques to preserve, translate and extend knowledge of them for new design contexts.
The second issue is one common to traditional materials such as Kitayama sugi that are trapped in a fixed cultural context of use in a world where their survival and the knowledge and skills that underpin their production depend upon new design uses being found for them. By transforming this material with the aid of digital fabrication techniques, the project aims to present it in a new contemporary context and display the strengths that digital and robotic fabrication can bring to the use of a non-standard variable material like Kitayama sugi.

Mark Laban (http://www.marklaban.com)
Mark Laban graduated from Central Saint Martins, University of the Arts London with a BA in Fine Art and in 2016 with an MA in Design specialising in furniture. A CNC specialist, his work brings together traditional and contemporary craft through the language of digital manufacturing technology. His aim is to question what craft can mean in the digital age, and where it could be heading in the near future. Based in London, Mark’s recent work has been exhibited in London’s Aram Gallery, and his ‘Rustic Stool 1.0’ was selected as winner of the Wood Awards student/graduate designer category in 2017.