Art, Crime & Algorithms

芸術・犯罪・アルゴリズム ── 2.5Dプリンティングが描く未来




Nestor Pestana
ポルトガル出身。英国王立芸術学院のデザイン・インタラクションにて修士号を取得。スペキュラティヴ・デザイナー、マルチメディア・アーティストとして現在ロンドンを拠点に活動している。科学とデザインとテクノロジーの繋がりを模索しながら、領域横断的でコラボレイティブな作品を制作し、イギリスやその他諸外国にてセミナー、ワークショップ、講演などの活動も行なっている。彼のプロジェクトは、映像、イラストレーション、インスタレーションなど様々なメディアによって表現される。最近の展示ではロンドン・カレッジ・オブ・ファッションにおけるPlumial Space、ヴェネチア・ビエンナーレ国際建築展におけるSchool of Tomorrowなどがある。

Art, Crime & Algorithms

Authentic Fictions: speculative futures for 2.5D printing

How can the new 2.5D printing technology be used in combination with other technologies such as image in-painting algorithms, to imagine new and future scenarios, in relation to conservation, museology and fraud?

If 2.5D printing technologies could print in extremely high resolution and be commercially available at low cost,what scenarios could be imagined?

2.5D printing can be defined as low-relief textured printing delivered on flat surfaces with stable high resolution colour. It sits between 2D and 3D printing, hence it’s name. The technology is currently being used in a fixed size format for a limited number of applications, such as for the production of educational materials for visually impaired people and the creation of textured surfaces for the prototyping industry. These limitations are mainly due to the fact that the technology cannot print accurate replicated textures derived from high-resolution scanned data with the same degree of resolution. Were this possible, it could potentially open a whole range of applications to meet the demands of more rigorous and scientific industries as well as opening the doors to its misuse in certain areas such as fraudulent fine art ‘originals’.
Research groups such as that at Casio are currently exploring how to overcome this resolution mismatch between scanning and printing and increase the resolution of the textures provided by 2.5D printing. This project seeks to explore what applications could arise from these developments in plausible futures. It indicates at the same time, the kind of technologies that might allow an increase of the required print resolution, and the diverse scenarios that might arise from these developments.

Nestor Pestana (
Nestor Pestana is an award-winning speculative designer and multi-media artist based in London. His work is collaborative and multidisciplinary, exploring the links between science, design and technology to promote the distribution of knowledge, critical thinking and lifelong learning. His work straddles graphics, animation, interaction and exhibition design. His first degree was in conservation and restoration from the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar followed by a 1st Class Honours Degree in Design from the University of Aveiro, Portugal. He received an MA in Design Interactions with distinction from the RCA in 2015.