小野芳朗 教授
岡田栄造 教授
角田暁治 准教授
岩本馨 准教授
赤松加寿江 准教授
三宅拓也 助教
KYOTO Design Labはバーゼルに拠点を置くふたりの建築家とともに京都の都市研究に取り組んできた。2015年からの2年間は「食」を切り口に、錦市場を中心とする「食」の空間構造の解明と、新しい時代に向けて市場内施設を提案した。3年目を迎えた2017年は京都の「水」に注目した。市内を南北に流れる鴨川や、琵琶湖から導かれる疏水は、舟運を通じて京都を全国につなぐだけでなく、産業や遊戯・娯楽など京都市民の日常生活に不可分な存在であったが、時代が変わる中でその関係性は希薄化しつつある。今回のプロジェクトでは、京都における「水」の地理的・歴史的・文化的な側面を調査し、旧九条山ポンプ場・夷川船溜・鴨川納涼床・伏見港を対象地として、これからの京都にふさわしい social + ecological + entertainmentを実現する空間をデザインする。
Water Shaping the City: Kyoto and the Urbanism of Water
22–26 May, 2017
Workshop Leader
Manuel Herz (University of Basel)
Shadi Rahbaran (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland)
Kyoto Institute of Technology
Professor Yoshiro Ono
Professor Eizo Okada
Associate Professor Akira Kakuda
Associate Professor Kaoru Iwamoto
Associate Professor Kazue Akamatsu
Assistant Professor Takuya Miyake
*Affiliation as of 2021
KYOTO Design Lab has worked on urban research in Kyoto with two architects based in Basel. For the two years since 2015, “food” as a point of view, we elucidated the spatial structure of the “food” centering on the Nishiki market and proposed facilities in the market towards a new era. 2017 marking the third year, we focused on “water” in Kyoto. The Kamogawa that flows north and south of the city and the canal guided from Lake Biwa were not only connected to the whole country through ship transport but also indivisible to the daily life of Kyoto citizens such as industry, play and entertainment, but the times change The relationship is diluting in it. In this project, we will investigate the geographical, historical and cultural aspect of “water” in Kyoto, and will be in Kyoto in the future. And we design a space that realizes appropriate social + ecological + entertainment, targeting the former Kurojyo mountain pump station, Yushikawa ship farm, Kamogawa refrigerator floor and Fushimi port.