京都工芸繊維大学KYOTO Design Labでは、大阪・関西万博スイスパビリオンに関連し、スイスパビリオンの計画・設計チームの一つであるManuel Herz Architects(マヌエル・ヘルツ建築事務所)と共同で開催するデザインスタジオの参加者を募集します。
木下昌大[デザイン・建築学系 准教授]
Erwin Viray[未来デザイン・工学機構 教授/KYOTO Design Lab ラボ長]
木内俊克[未来デザイン・工学機構 特任准教授]
BARNA Gergely Peter[KYOTO Design Lab 特任助教]
10/16: Introduction to the Workshop(Kick-off)
10/17: Research on Materials and Precedents (Collect as Powerpoint Presentation)
10/18: Site Visit Expo Osaka.
10/21: Developing design proposals
10/22: Developing design proposals. Quick Presentation of the work from Week 1
10/23: Developing design proposals
10/24: Developing design proposals
10/25: Developing design proposals
10/28: Developing design proposals
10/29: Developing design proposals
10/30: Mid-Term Jury: Presentation of all design proposals. Choice of the design that will be realized.
10/31: Distribution of groups and tasks for developing detail design, Start of detail design
11/01: Detail design of pavilion design
11/04: Detail design of pavilion design
11/05: Detail design of pavilion design
11/06: Detail design of pavilion design
11/07: Presentation of complete drawing set.
11/08: Itemized list of construction elements, putting together task-sheet and time-sheet
11/11: Construction commences
11/12: Construction period and documentation
11/13: Construction period and documentation
11/14: Construction completion
11/15: Opening of KIT pavilion(松ヶ崎祭)
*Application is closed
In connection with the Swiss Pavilion at the Expo 2025 Osaka Kansai, KYOTO Design Lab invites participants for a design studio to be held in collaboration with Manuel Herz Architects, one of the planning and design teams for the Swiss Pavilion.
This studio will design and actually construct a pavilion to be exhibited on the KIT campus in November in conjunction with the Matsugasaki Festival, utilizing the materials used in the construction of the Swiss Pavilion. A video recording of the production process will be displayed in the Swiss Pavilion.
Students interested in participating must submit the form below by 10:00 a.m. Friday, October 11, 2024.
If there are too many applications, participants will be selected after screening.
*This workshop can be credited as an international design project.
Application Deadline
10:00 a.m. Friday, October 11, 2024
Teaching Staff
Masahiro Kinoshita [Associate Professor, Kyoto Institute of Technology]
Erwin Viray [Professor, Kyoto Institute of Technology / Chief Executive Officer, KYOTO Design Lab]
Toshikatsu Kiuchi [Project Associate Professor, Kyoto Institute of Technology]
BARNA Gergely Peter [Project Assistant Professor, KYOTO Design Lab]
OCT 16: Introduction to the Workshop (Kick-off)
OCT 17: Research on Materials and Precedents (Collect as Powerpoint Presentation)
OCT 18: Site Visit Expo Osaka.
OCT 21: Developing design proposals
OCT 22: Developing design proposals. Quick Presentation of the work from Week 1
OCT 23: Developing design proposals
OCT 24: Developing design proposals
OCT 25: Developing design proposals
OCT 28: Developing design proposals
OCT 29: Developing design proposals
OCT 30: Mid-Term Jury: Presentation of all design proposals. Choice of the design that will be realized.
OCT 31: Distribution of groups and tasks for developing detail design, Start of detail design
Nov 01: Detail design of pavilion design
Nov 04: Detail design of pavilion design
Nov 05: Detail design of pavilion design
Nov 06: Detail design of pavilion design
Nov 07: Presentation of complete drawing set.
Nov 08: Itemized list of construction elements, putting together task-sheet and time-sheet
Nov 11: Construction commences
Nov 12: Construction period and documentation
Nov 13: Construction period and documentation
Nov 14: Construction completion
Nov 15: Opening of KIT pavilion (Matsugasaki Festival)
*After the Matsugasaki Festival is over, classes will continue, including video editing for the Swiss Pavilion exhibit.