
2015年 ME310/SUGARグローバルキックオフ・ワークショップ

2015年 ME310/SUGARグローバルキックオフ・ワークショップ


2016年 ME310/SUGAR エクスポ

2016年 ME310/SUGAR エクスポ



2015-2016年度ME310/SUGAR 参加学生(他大学生含む) サンフランシスコにて

2015-2016年度ME310/SUGAR 参加学生(他大学生含む) サンフランシスコにて

京都工芸繊維大学とスタンフォード大学の学生が作成した Tabito コンセプト

京都工芸繊維大学とスタンフォード大学の学生が作成した Tabito コンセプト

京都工芸繊維大学とスタンフォード大学の学生たちが、観光客と地元の人たちをつなげ、共通言語を使わずに地元のおすすめを聞きながら、まったく新しい旅体験ができるコンセプトを提案しました。最終プロトタイプは E-Ink 技術をベースに作成されています。

京都工芸繊維大学とスインバーン大学の学生が作成した XS-310 プロトタイプ

京都工芸繊維大学とスインバーン大学の学生が作成した XS-310 プロトタイプ


2016-2017年度 ME310/SUGARプログラムは、2016年9月下旬に開始し、2017年7月中旬に修了します。

・工学、デザイン、ビジネス, ユーザーリサーチなど、プロダクトイノベーションに関係する領域での専門性を持つこと


日本語 –
英語 –

英語||Sushi Suzuki (KYOTO Design Lab Associate Professor)

What is ME310/SUGAR

ME310/SUGAR is a nine month innovation program that originated in Stanford University and expanded globally, where students from schools around the world collaborate on a loosely defined project topic provided by corporate partners. For every project, student teams from two different universities work together.

ME310/SUGAR Global Kickoff 2015

ME310/SUGAR Global Kickoff 2015

The program starts with a weeklong kickoff workshop at Stanford University where students from all the schools come to Silicon Valley for a week. Through the interactive workshop, students learn the elements and philosophy of design thinking from professors from the different schools. Then students return to their home institutions to work on their projects with they partner teams. Some international travel happens during the program while at the end of the program, all the teams return to Stanford for the final exposition.

ME310/SUGAR Global Expo 2016

ME310/SUGAR Global Expo 2016

ME310/SUGAR gives students the opportunity to collaborate with other students who come from different cultures and backgrounds to create something completely new and valuable. Students learn the necessary skill sets to work in an innovation team in both large and small companies and gain the mindset that allows them to see gaps in the world where new solutions can be developed. Alumni of the program have gone on to start many companies as well as lead product development teams in various organizations.

ME310/SUGAR students from 2015-2016

ME310/SUGAR students from 2015-2016

For the 2015-2016 program year, two teams totaling eight students from the KYOTO Design Lab at the Kyoto Institute of participated in projects sponsored by Toppan and Yanmar.

Tabito concept developed by the D-Lab and Stanford students

Tabito concept developed by the D-Lab and Stanford students

The theme of the 2015-2016 Toppan project was “Non-verbal (language-less) Communication” with an eye towards tourism and the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. Students from the Kyoto Design Lab and Stanford University ultimately delivered an e-ink map-based concept that allows tourists to connect with locals to ask for local suggestions without the use of a common language, creating an entirely new travel experience.

XS-310 prototype created by the D-Lab and Swinburne students

XS-310 prototype created by the D-Lab and Swinburne students

“Innovation for Vineyards” was the theme of the 2015-2016 Yanmar project between the Kyoto Design Lab and Swinburne University of Technology in Melbourne Australia. After exploring various aspects of grape farming, the students ultimately focused on pesticide application and created a machine that could drastically reduce the pesticide waste and harmful environmental pollution.

Eligibility and Application Process
The 2016-2017 ME310/SUGAR program will begin in late September 2016 and finish in mid-July 2017.

• Current university students in Kyoto
• 4th year Bachelors (continuing into a Masters Program), Masters, or Ph.D. students not graduating before the program finishes
• Competency in English
• Experience in fields related to product innovation (e.g. engineering, design, business, user research, etc.)

Sunday, September 4th, Noon

English –
Japanese –

English – Sushi Suzuki (KYOTO Design Lab Associate Professor)
Japanese – Keita Tatara (Faculty of Design and Architecture, Assistant Professor)