KYOTO Design Lab[D-lab]は、下記の日程で、トリノ工科大学 建築・デザイン学部で建築史を専門とするミケーラ・ロッソ准教授によるパブリックレクチャー「1860-1937年のローマ通り──トリノのメインストリートとその諸史」を開催します。



日時|2018年4月11日[水] 13:30-15:00
会場|京都工芸繊維大学 60周年記念館2F 大セミナー室
講師|ミケーラ・ロッソ 准教授[トリノ工科大学]
主催|京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab


ミケーラ・ロッソ 准教授
[トリノ工科大学 建築・デザイン学部]
イタリア・トリノ工科大学において修士、博士課程を修める。建築史家ジョン・サマーソンに関する研究を出発点に、現在ではトリノを中心に建築、デザインの理論・歴史、批評と幅広い活動を行っている。主要な著書に「使える歴史 – La storia utile. Patrimonio e modernità nel lavoro di John Summerson e Nikolaus Pevsner: Londra 1928-1955」(Torino 2001) 、「トリノ建築ガイド」(Berlin 2017)

KYOTO Design Lab will hold the public lecture “Via Roma 1860-1937: Turin’s main thoroughfare and its ‘other’ stories” by Michela Rosso (Politecnico di Torino).

Via Roma 1860-1937: Turin’s main thoroughfare and its ‘other’ stories

Date: 13:30-15:00 Wednesday 11 April, 2018
Venue: 2F, 60th Anniversary Hall, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Lecturer: Michela Rosso [Associate Professor of Architectural History, Politecnico di Torino]
Seating Capacity: 50
Language: English
Admission free
Organized by KYOTO Design Lab, Kyoto Institute of Technology

Turin is a “grid city” as same as Kyoto and it became a stage of Italian unification “resorgimento” in 19th century. The centre of the architectural and urban history of Turin in the interwar years is the reconstruction of via Roma, the city’s major artery, a story for which it is necessary to go back in time.
The idea of widening and rebuilding the street opened by Ascanio Vittozzi at the beginning of the 17th century appears as early as the 1860s. It comes into being at the turn of the century through a series of projects and discussions that involve a number of local professionals and associations.
Alongside the approval of the City’s Master Plan, the idea finds a more concrete definition with the drawing of a technical project. The fascist regime does nothing other than accept and put into practice this project, as it does with other public works.
However, the translation of the plan into a built form is not devoid of disputes…
The lecture will highlight the the plurality and diversity of Turin’s architectural cultures and their conflicting visions throughout the history of the street’s transformation.

Associate Professor Michela Rosso
[Politecnico di Torino – Dipartimento di Architettura e Design]