キングモンクート工科大学トンブリ校(KMUTT) 建築・デザイン学科のチャムナーン・ティラパス講師とマーティン・ショウ講師による公開講演を下記の通りにおこないます。

KYOTO Design Lab × キングモンクート大学トンブリ校 公開講演
日 時|2019年2月8日[金] 15:00-16:30
会 場|京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab 2F
住 所|京都市左京区松ケ崎橋上町1
ゲスト|チャムナーン・ティラパス[KMUTT建築・デザイン学科 学科長]、マーティン・ショウ[KMUTT建築・デザイン学科 講師]
定 員|50名(予約不要・先着順)


キングモンクート工科大学 建築・デザイン学科の講師。同大学のGraduate School of Design and Planningの学科主任。2004年にアメリカのボールステイト大学にて修士号取得。2015年に京都工芸繊維大学にて建築の博士号取得。最近では、デザインスタジオや建築構法や卒業制作の授業で教鞭を執る。


キングモンクート工科大学 建築・デザイン学科の講師として、環境技術と建築設計の教育に携わる。自身の研究分野は、サステイナブルな社会文化的デザインである。また、バンコクのデザイン事務所「Unexpected Co., Ltd.」で建築士及びサステイナブル建築デザインのコンサルタントもつとめる。

KYOTO Design Lab [D-lab] will hold public lectures by Chamnarn Tirapas and Martin Schoch (King Mongkut’s University of Technology Tonburi) in KYOTO Design Lab.

KYOTO Design Lab x King Mongkut’s University of Technology Tonburi

Time: 15:00-16:30 Friday 8 February, 2019
Venue: 2F Hall in KYOTO Design Lab, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Lecturer: Chamnarn Tirapas and Martin Schoch
Admission free

Klongsan Innovation District and New Development Opportunities
Recently, innovation is an approach for driving Thai economy. Many projects and districts have been proposed to encourage creative or innovative districts. Klongsan is one of the districts in Bangkok where this policy is applied. Klongsan was a service or production area to serve Bangkok city since it was started. Nowadays, Klongsan is turned to be a new economic area with mass transit systems and its local resources. The study presents the impacts of the new developments on the land prices and development in the district. The approaches for district development to respond to the new policy. In addition, the new programs are needed in order to invite new people to live and promote innovation district development. Some examples of designs and proposals from KMUTT students to present opportunities from the policy within the area.

Chamnarn Tirapas
Dr. Chamnarn Tirapas is a full-time lecturer at School of Architecture and Design. In 2004, he received M. Arch. from Ball State University, USA. In 2015, he received PhD. Arch. from KIT. Recently, he gives lectures in Design Studio, Building Materials and Constructions, and Thesis. In addition, he is the chairperson of Graduate School of Design and Planning, SoAD.

Recent Studies on Residential Design
As part of conducted research over the last years, a number of projects have related to residential designs in Thailand, the Philippines and Mongolia. The presented architectural designs explore viable strategies for improving resource efficiency of residential homes, and investigate sustainable solutions in regards to their occupants. Recognizing their local context, these designs aim to promote a passive approach, where buildings are designed to find adaptive solutions to existing conditions.

Martin Schoch
Martin Schoch is a faculty member at the School of Architecture and Design (SoA+D) at the King Mongkut University of Technology (KMUTT), where he is teaching environmental technology and architectural design. He is conducting research in the field of sustainable, socio cultural design. As an licensed architect and consultant for sustainable building design, he is also an associate of Unexpected Co., Ltd., a design firm in Bangkok.
