(2020年4月28日 追記)
8月17日[月]から8月21日[金]に開催を予定しておりましたKyoto Startup Summer School 2020について、今般の新型コロナウイルス感染症が拡大している状況を鑑み、参加者および関係者の健康・安全面を第一に考慮した結果、開催を中止することにいたしました。

Kyoto Startup Summer School(KS³)は、D-labが世界中から起業家、実務家、ベンチャーキャピタリスト、研究者を集めるイノベーターと起業家のために設計したプログラムです。



Kyoto Startup Summer School 2020

参加費|150,000円 [*1]
申込|(開催中止)Kyoto Startup Summer School 社会人参加枠


  • 新規事業開発に携わる者
  • 国際的なイノベーションの方法論を学びたい者
  • イノベーション教育を実際に受けてみたい者
  • 国際的な参加者から刺激を受けたい者
  • [*1] 滞在費、交通費、期間中の飲食代は参加者で準備して頂く必要があります。



    » Kyoto Startup Summer School (KS³) Official website


    Due to the Novel Coronavirus Pandemic, Kyoto Startup Summer School 2020 has been cancelled. Considering the safety of every participant, workshop facilitator, lecturer, and organizer, we believe that this was the best course of action.
    However, we will be back in 2021! If you are interested in joining Japan’s most intense and international entrepreneurship program, please leave your e-mail here and we’ll let you know when the applications open up in January 2021.

    Kyoto Startup Summer School (KS³ for short) is a program created by the D-lab for future innovators and entrepreneurs that bring together established entrepreneurs, practitioners, venture capitalists, and academics from around the world.

    The two-week program is intended for students and young professionals who want to create their own startup in the future. The corporate track of KS³ was created for employees of companies who wanted to innovate like startups in their own organization. As learner and nimbler startups disrupt existing markets and larger companies, more corporations are studying how these startups innovate. The KS³ corporate track is designed to cover exactly that.

    The corporate track of KS³ covers both Design Thinking and Lean Startup in an intense workshop based formats. These methodologies are not only at the core of how startups innovate but also how successful companies develop new products. This is the perfect opportunity for members of existing companies to learn these new approaches and innovate like startups.

    Kyoto Startup Summer School Corporate Track

    Date: August 17th – 21st, 2020
    Application deadline: First come first served for a maximum of 10 spots
    Tuition: 150,000 yen (lodging, food, and transportation not included)
    Application: (Cancelled) Kyoto Startup Summer School 2020 – Corporate Track

    Intended audience

  • People working on new business creation
  • People wanting to experience innovation methodologies from Silicon Valley
  • People looking for innovation training
  • People wanting inspiration from international students
  • For any inquiry, please contact lead organizer Sushi Suzuki at sushi@kit.ac.jp

    What is Design Thinking
    Design Thinking is an approach to innovation that was developed at Stanford University and the innovation design firm IDEO. Design thinking utilizes both sides of the brain, the rational problem-solving side as well as the imaginative creative side. At the core of design thinking is the notion of putting humans at the center and the process of finding latent needs to develop innovative solutions. Rapid prototyping and experimentation is used to quickly iterate rough ideas into refined product and/or concepts.

    What is Lean Startup
    If Design Thinking is about finding inspiration and developing ideas, lean startup is about taking those ideas and turning it into a successful business. Lean startup is a scientific approach to creating and managing new businesses and getting desired products to customers’ hand faster. Lean startup has been and is being continuously developed in Silicon Valley, the heart of the global startup movement. While originally intended for small startup companies, the key elements of lean startup: build-measure-learn cycle and customer development are applicable to any product and/or service development team. The quick and iterative approach is now being adopted by forward-thinking corporations around the world.

    » Kyoto Startup Summer School (KS³) Official website
    Please visit here for information on the general (non-corporate) applications.