(2020年5月7日 追記)
KYOTO Design Lab テキスタイル・サマースクール2020について、今般の新型コロナウイルス感染症が拡大している状況を鑑み、参加者および関係者の健康・安全面を第一に考慮した結果、開催を中止することにいたしました。

KYOTO Design Lab Textiles Summer School 2020


会場|京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab、京都工芸繊維大学京丹後キャンパス地域連携センター


  • 英国王立芸術学院[RCA]
  • ロンドン芸術大学[UAL]
  • デザインアカデミー・アイントホーフェン[DAE]
  • 京都嵯峨芸術大学
  • アーテズ芸術大学[ArtEZ]
  • 京都府織物・機械金属振興センター
  • 丹後ちりめん創業300年事業実行委員会
  • Nissha
  • Textiles Summer School | photo by Tomohiro Tanaka, Ligia Lopes, Kouhei Haruguchi


    KYOTO Design Lab テキスタイル・サマースクールは、京都府北部の丹後半島および京都市内にて2週間にわたって開催される、日本および海外を拠点とするデザイナー、テキスタイル・エンジニア、マテリアル・サイエンティストによる現在進行中のコラボレーションプロジェクトです。長期にわたる創造的で技術的なコラボレーションを参加者間で育むことを目的とし、同時に、伝統的な技法と新しいテクノロジーをいかに結合させうるのかに関して新たな洞察を得てアイデアをプロトタイプすることを目指します。本サマースクールは、ジュリア・カセム特命教授[D-lab]の主導により実施されます。


    2週目では、KYOTO Design Labのデジタルファクトリーおよびテキスタイルファクトリーの設備を使用し、「導電性テキスタイル」と「実験的プリンティングにおける表面」をテーマとした5日間のプロトタイピングベースのデザインワークショップをおこないます。


  • [レポート]学際的な知は、伝統的な製織産業を救うか?──KYOTO Design Lab テキスタイル・サマースクール 京丹後編
  • [レポート]テキスタイルデザインという地平、それを拓く冒険的体験──KYOTO Design Lab テキスタイル・サマースクール KIT編
  • 全体スケジュール












  • 京都工芸繊維大学の学生以外の参加者
  • 75,000円

  • 京都工芸繊維大学の学生
  • 42,000円


  • 京都工芸繊維大学の学生以外の参加者
  • ワークショップ参加費 + 材料費ほか = 45,000円

  • 京都工芸繊維大学の学生
  • ワークショップ材料費 = 12,000円










    テキスタイルサマースクールに関するお問い合わせは、KYOTO Design Lab 事務局(info@までご連絡ください。

    Updated on 7 May, 2020
    We have decided to cancel the KYOTO Design Lab Textiles Summer School 2020. In view of the recent spread of new coronavirus infections, we have given top priority to the health and safety of the participants and related parties.
    Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

    KYOTO Design Lab Textiles Summer School 2020

    Structure, Surface, Scenario:
    new technologies, old challenges > old materials, new challenges

    Period: August 17 – 28, 2020 [Cancelled]
    Venue: KYOTO Design Lab, Kyoto Institute of Technology (KIT), Matsugasaki, Kyoto + Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyotango Campus

    Collaborating Partners

  • Royal College of Art (RCA)
  • University of the Arts London (UAL)
  • Design Academy Eindhoven(DAE)
  • Kyoto Saga University of the Arts
  • ArtEz University of the Arts
  • Kyoto Prefectural Institute for Northern Industry
  • Organizing committee for the 300 th anniversary of TANGO CHIRIMEN Textile
  • Nissha
  • Textiles Summer School | photo by Tomohiro Tanaka, Ligia Lopes, Kouhei Haruguchi

    About the Summer School

    The two-week long KYOTO Design Lab Textiles Summer School (TSS 2020) takes place in the Tango Peninsula and in Kyoto. It is an ongoing collaboration with designers, textile engineers and materials scientists from Japan and overseas. The aim is to foster long-term creative and technical collaboration between all parties, gain new insights into how traditional skills and new technologies can be merged and then prototype the ideas. Professor Julia Cassim (D-lab) directs the summer school.

    The first week offers an unrivalled opportunity for in-depth study, field research and workshops with traditional silk crepe chirimen and experimental textile producers in the Tango Peninsula for that shortlisted participants. Due to limitations of accommodation and transport, priority will be given to international participants.

    The second week centres on a 5-day prototyping-based design workshop at Kyoto Institute of Technology centred on the two themes of eTextiles and experimental print surfaces using the advanced digital fabrication and print workshop facilities of D-lab.

    Read a report by Chelsea College of Arts’ 2019 participants here and see a video of previous summer schools here.

    Overall Schedule

    The summer school will also include lectures and demonstrations by textile, materials and print specialists in relation to the overall workshop theme of: Structure, Surface, Scenario – new technologies, old challenges > old materials, new challenges.

    Week 1 (August 17-22)
    TSS 2020 starts at KYOTO Design Lab with an overall briefing, orientation and lectures in English and Japanese. Participants leave by coach in the afternoon of Day 2 for a 4-day study tour to different weaving firms in Tango. At the Kyoto Prefectural Institute for Northern Industry (Textile Research Centre), we will have the chance to study their extensive archive of textiles from the Meiji Period to the present, view their labs and testing facilities and see demonstrations of their working collection of textile machinery. The week culminates in a one-day workshop with local textile producers before returning to Kyoto on August 22. There is no programme on August 23.

    Week 2 (August 24-28)
    From August 24, a 5-day design workshop will be held at KYOTO Design Lab using its advanced Digital Fabrication and textile print facilities to prototype results. The eTextiles theme will be led by Mika Satomi (Kobakant) and the experimental print surfaces theme by Kangan Arora (Central St Martins, UAL).

    Who can participate?

    Designers of all disciplines, textile and materials engineers, textile producers, interested parties. 25 participants will be shortlisted for the Kyotango portion (August 19-22). A total of 40 participants is possible for the Kyoto workshop (August 17-18, 24-28). Please indicate whether you would like to participate in the full workshop programme or the KIT campus workshop only.


    D-lab will be the main project organiser for the contents, logistics and organisation of the summer school at KIT and KIT’s KyoTango campus.

    KyoTango City and the Kyoto Prefectural Institute for Northern Industry will facilitate the visits to textile producers and their participation in workshops in KyoTango.

    Accommodation and Transport in Japan

    Overseas participants will be required to fund their own air tickets, daily subsistence expenses and accommodation while in Japan except during the KyoTango visit. KYOTO Design Lab has been offered an attractive preferential discount rate by Hostel NINIROOM for TSS 2020 participants during the summer school period (17-28 August, 2020).

    When applying for TSS2020, applicants should indicate whether they wish to stay at Hostel NINIROOM. Successful applicants must then use the TSS booking code supplied by D-lab to make their reservation directly to NINIROOM (email:info@niniroom) by May 31, 2020 (same discount rate is applicable to extra nights after the workshop if rooms are available).

    It is strongly advised that you stay here given the overall room shortage in Kyoto, high season prices, and NINIROOM’s ideal central location. For the 10 nights required for the Kyoto part of the TSS2020 (16-18 August (checkout) & 22-29 August (checkout), the total estimated cost is 26,000 JPY per bed in a dormitory-style room, with the type of room assigned by NINIROOM*.

    *The cancellation policy of NINIROOM for the summer school will differ from NINIROOM’s general policy. TSS 2020 participants, who wish to stay there will be informed of this at the time of booking.

    How much will the summer school cost?

    Kyotango + Kyoto

  • non KIT students
  • 75,000 JPY
    This includes transport to, from and within Kyotango, accomodation at KIT’s KyoTango dormitory accommodation, packed lunches for Day 3, 4, 5 and the Kyoto Workshop workshop and materials fees.

  • KIT students only
  • 42,000 JPY
    This includes transport to, from and within Kyotango, accomodation at KIT’s KyoTango dormitory accommodation, packed lunches for Day 3, 4, 5 and the Kyoto Workshop workshop and materials fees.

    Kyoto Workshop only

  • non KIT students
  • Workshop Fee + materials = 45,000 JPY

  • KIT students only
  • Materials Fee = 12,000 JPY


    Payment for TSS2020 will be in advance. Successful applicants will be informed of the payment methods and payment deadline at the time of acceptance. Your place will be forfeited in the event that payment is not received by the stated deadline.

    Cancellation Policy

    No cancellation will be possible once payment has been made other than in exceptional cases of medical emergency or bereavement. Your place will be forfeited in the event that payment is not received by the stated deadline or in the event of cancellation on the part of the organisers.

    Visas and Deadlines

    If you need a visa to come to Japan, we can provide the required documents for you to apply for one, but it is your responsibility to obtain it. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs website gives details of procedures. Our deadline for those requiring supporting documents for their visas is as follows:

    May 7 Application deadline for ALL overseas applicants
    May 12 “Guidelines to visa application and Nini Room bookings” sent to successful applicants
    May 18 Visa applicants entry form deadline
    May 31 Nini Room booking deadline
    Visa applicants supplementary documents submission deadline
    June 30 Application deadline for Japan-based participants

    Terms and Conditions

    Please read the terms for workshop participation and those relating to intellectual property (IP) here.

    To Apply

    If you are interested in taking part, fill out the online application with your full contact details, a short profile, photo and description of your interest in the project and what you can contribute to it. Designers should send a PDF portfolio (5 mb max) of their work. The application deadline for overseas participants is May 7, 2020 and June 30, 2020 for Japan-based ones. Successful applicants will be informed by May 12, 2020.

    Due to numbers, early application is advised and preference will be given to those who were unable to take part in 2019. Applicants staying at the Hostel NINIROOM will be informed before the May 31 deadline.


    For any queries relating to the summer school please contact julia-cassim@kit.ac.jp (English) or info@ (Japanese).

    Kyoto Institute of Technology
    1 Hashikami-cho
    Matsugasaki, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8585 Japan