KYOTO Design Lab[D-lab]では、『上京下京3Dスキャニングプロジェクト』として行った「聚楽学区」のリサーチを踏まえ、2022年3月21日[月]に元聚楽小学校にて調査報告会を開催します。
KYOTO Design Lab[D-lab]では、3D点群データの収集と活用に取り組んでいます。VRとしての空間復元など新たな表現から歴史的な記録資料としての可能性まで、広範でさまざまな形態での利活用が期待されています。
開催日| 2022年3月21日 [月] 時 間| 15:00-16:30 場 所| 元聚楽小学校1F会議室(京都市上京区葭屋町通中立売下ル北俵町317) 参加費| 無料(事前申し込みは必要ありません) 協 力| 京都市、聚楽学区、聚楽学区自主防災会、聚楽学区社会福祉協議会、西陣歴史の町協議会、鏡石町・神明町・東堀町の皆様 後 援| 京都市 お問い合わせ先|
KYOTO Design Lab [D-lab] will announce the survey conducted during the 3D Scanning in Juraku project on 2022.03.21 at the former Juraku Elementary School.
The Juraku school district has a history site of Jurakudai moat, and alleys have taken root in our daily lives. What are the possibilities of 3D scanning technology to achieve both unique and captivating history and living?
The event will be held at the former Juraku Elementary School as a place to exchange opinions on history and living with residents, displaying the results of conducted research and video footage made by students. Anyone with available time and interest is welcome to attend.
About Kamigyo Shimogyo 3D Scanning Project
KYOTO Design Lab [D-lab] is working on the collection and utilization of 3D point cloud data. The data is expected to be used in a wide range of forms, from new expressions such as space restoration as VR to possibilities as historical recording materials.
Mixed group of architecture and design students studied the history of Kamigyo and Shimogyo in Kyoto and carried out 3D scanning. During this project the students learned
history of how urban spaces were formed, as well as the challenges and attractiveness of current spaces and local communities. Additionally, how to utilize the results of 3D scanning by combining design and architectural knowledge.
Targeting Kamigyo-ku, Juraku School District
Kamigyo ward in Kyoto has many areas with dense wooden buildings including blind alleys and small intersections. During this project 3D scanning was conducted at the historical and beautiful alleys of Kamigyo-ku, exploring the area from various angles, including history, disaster prevention, design, and recreating Jurakudai that was built by Toyotomi Hideyoshi.
Kamigyo Shimogyo 3D Scanning Project, Juraku School Area [Survey Report Meeting]
Opening Day|2022.3.21 Monday Hours|15:00-16:30 Venue|Juraku Elementary School1F Meeting room (317 Kitatawara-cho,
Nakadachiuri-sagaru, Yoshiyamachi-dori, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto)Admission Fee|Free (No prior application required) Collaboration|Kyoto City, Juraku School Area, Juraku Voluntary
Disaster Prevention Association, Juraku Council of Social Welfare, Nishijin History
Town Council, People of Kagamiishicho, Shinmeicho and HigashihorichoSupport|Kyoto City Contact Information|