2017年4月28日[金]-30日[日]の3日間、Fixperts 2017 Workshop「発明家、ハッカー、職人—デザイナーの為の高速プロトタイプ制作法に基づくアプローチ」を開催しました。




また、ワークショップの後には、フランク氏の2016 Prix Ars ElectronicやBeazley Design of the Yearなどの受賞をお祝いし、ジュリア・カセム特任教授より、Fixpertsしたトロフィーが授与されました。

ArtEZ Instutite of Artsプロダクトデザイン学科卒業、RCAデザインインタラクション専攻修了。2015年度にKYOTO Design Labデザインアソシエイトとして滞在。制作した2つのプロジェクトでDutch Design Award、Ars Electronica prize、Beazley Design of the Year Awardなど複数のアワードを受賞。
The Fixperts 2017 Workshop “THE INVENTOR, THE HACKER & THE CRAFTSMAN – a methods-based approach to rapid prototyping for designers” was held from 28 April to 30April in D-Lab’s Wood Workshop at the Kyoto Institute of Technology.

Frank explaining an assignment
During the workshop the mornings were used for generic design exercises that exemplified a particular approach and emphasis under the categories of “Inventor, Hacker and Craftsman”. Students had to rapidly come up with an idea for a pencil sharpener created by hacking the components of everyday products sourced from a 100 yen store or from discarded electrical products and then gradually refining the results The afternoons were devoted to applying the methodologies learned in the morning to their current Fixperts@KIT 2017 project. KIT has participated in the project for the past three years and our projects are featured on the Fixperts website.

Student’s presentation

Students making a prototype
Furthermore, they learned about continuous rapid ideation and how iterative prototyping helps to develop essential ideas for their own Fixperts project.

After the workshop, a party was held to celebrate Frank’s recent awards – 2016 Prix Ars Electronic, his 2016 Dutch Design Award and his Beazley Design of the Year Award at the Design Museum in London. A special “FIXPERTS TROPHY” was made from the remaining hacked components of the workshop by Professor Julia Cassim and presented to Frank.

Frank smile with trophy
Frank Kolkman (MA, RCA)
Frank holds a Bachelors Degree in Product design from ArtEz, (Institute of Arts) in Arnhem (NL) and a Masters Degree in Design Interactions from the RCA. He was KYOTO Design Lab’s Design Associate from 2015-16.
The two projects he developed here have won a range of prizes from a Dutch Design Award, the Ars Electronica prize and a Beazley Design of the Year Award from the Design Museum, London in 2017.
As a self proclaimed design-hacker, Frank tries to combine a deeplyrooted sense of curiosity towards the inner workings of things with analytical thinking and intuitive making. Through the design of experimental devices and critical prototypes, he aims to challenge our thinking about current and near-future technologies and their sociopolitical implications.