KYOTO Design Lab[D-lab]は、2020年度デザインリサーチャー・イン・レジデンス(特任研究員)を公募します。


» 公募要領

KYOTO Design Lab について

国立大学法人 京都工芸繊維大学は1899年以来、日本を代表する、デザインとエンジニアリングの実践的教育の場でありつづけてきました。KYOTO Design Lab[D-lab]は、京都工芸繊維大学が主宰する建築学とデザイン学を中心としたコラボレーションのためのプラットフォームです。
2014年の発足以来、「Innovation by Design」をミッションに、基礎研究をとおした社会的課題の発見と解決のための、さまざまな専門性が交差するインキュベーターとして活動しています。D-labは、プロジェクトと人間を基礎に置く参加型の学習アプローチを背景に、世界中から集まる一流の研究者やデザイナー、建築家らとともに、ワークショップや都市リサーチなど各種の国際的なプログラムの実践を通じて、イノベーションの社会実装に取り組んでいます。

Design Researcher in Residence Program とは

KYOTO Design Lab[D-lab]では、Social Interactions、Making & Materials、Critical Curation and Interpretationをテーマにした数ヶ月〜半年間のレジデンスプログラム「Design Associate」と「Designer in Residence」を実施してきました。
2020年度からは新たに(Re)Generative Designをテーマにした、ラディカルな発想や制作に基づく研究プロジェクトを本学教員と協働で展開する1年間のレジデンスプログラム「Design Researcher in Residence」を実施します。

リサーチテーマ:「再生」(Re)Generative Design


ところで、わたしたち京都工芸繊維大学は、歴史遺産あふれる都市・京都に位置しています。歴史遺産にはそれがつくられた時代と現在、そして未来とに大きな時間差が存在しています。しかしこの時間差を超越し、我々の現代の生活を、ひいては我々の未来の生活を、逆照射する新たな価値があるのです。作られた時代と異なる観点から価値を与える行為もまた、「再生」であると私たちは考えます。つまり(Re)generative Designは、失われたものを回復するのではなく、複雑な「からまり」や「つみかさなり」からなる環境を理解し、「ありうる可能性の探索」を過去・現在の調査を通しておこなうことで、持続可能な未来をつくるデザインであると考えています。

具体的には、(Re)Genearaive Designとは以下の領域を指します:




遺伝的アルゴリズムなどの機械学習を前提とした情報学や、CRISPR cas9などの応用・合成生物学がもたらす、あらゆる人工物のあり方(設計方法、利用方法、形状、素材、意味など)を覆すデザイン。前近代の社会にもあったような無機物と有機物、自然物と人工物が混合した世界を拡張し、geneとmemeを考えるデザイン。




  • 1年間の間にラディカルな発想や制作に基づく研究プロジェクトを本学教員と協働で展開できる
  • D-labに設置された機材を自由に用いて実践的研究にとりくむことができる
  • 給与が国立大学法人の特任研究員として規定に基づき支払われ、次のキャリアへの足がかりとすることができる
  • 「京都」という伝統と文化、革新と技術がある都市を対象にユニークな研究が推進できる
  • 大学にとっての趣旨

  • 実務者育成と研究者育成が乖離しがちなデザイン科学域において、両者を調停する新たなモデルを設立し、博士課程進学を目指す学生を増加させることで、日本における実践的デザイン研究に従事できる人材を育てる
  • そのためにResearch through Designを明示的に実践し、さまざまな異分野との協働を前提とした実証型研究のモデル設立を促進、Design Researcher in Residenceの実験的研究手法や理論を本学における新たな実践的研究の嚆矢とする
  • ネット配信、コンテスト、展覧会、学会発表、学会誌投稿など、広く研究成果を国際的に発信し本学の国際的競争力を強化させる(学会発表形式はデモ、ポスター、エキシビション、ケーススタディ、ビデオ、ワークショップなど、フルペーパーにこだわらない)
  • D-labが実施する研究プロジェクトやイベントの運営支援などを通して学生と交流し、刺激を与える存在となる
  • プログラムについて

  • (Re)Generative Designを前提とした、若い学生に未来への希望を抱かせるラディカルで実験的研究計画を高く評価する
  • 国籍、年齢、性別不問
  • 言語(英語、ないしは日本語と英語両方)
  • 成果物(作品制作、論文、アーカイブ、レクチャーなど)
  • D-lab主催の成果発表(展覧会やシンポジウムに加えMedium、YouTube、issuuなどのウェブ上での発表をおこなう)
  • 関連活動(期間中におけるD-labの研究活動の支援を要請する場合がある)
  • 特任研究員として本学が規定する雇用契約および知的財産権に関する覚書を交わした上で、研究活動を自由に推進する
  • 研究計画は最終選考終了後から滞在研究制作開始の日まで、1年間の滞在期間を有意義なものにするために綿密に練り直すことを前提とする
  • 研究提案書フォーマット

    2)研究の「問い」は(Re)Generative Designとどのような関係があるか説明してください


    どのように「問い」を研究対象として捉えるのか、そのアプローチの仕方、ツール、方法などを明確に説明してください。その際、方法論としてのResearch through Designを必ず盛り込んでください。

    1)研究の遂行にあたり必要な機材、ソフトウェア、素材などがあれば説明してください(» D-lab設備リスト






  • Website: how to make references for academic writing
  • Website: basics on designing research project
  • Book article: Ilpo Koskinen, Four Cultures of Analysis in Design Research, in Routledge Companion to Design Research
  • Slide: Ken Friedman, Research Writing Workshop
  • Paper: Ken Friedman, Models of Design
  • Research through Designに関する参考資料

  • Website: Interaction Design Foundation on Research through Design
  • Book: Design Research through Practice from the Lab, Field and Showroom
  • Mailing List: PhD Design
  • コンテスト

  • Design Competitions calls | DEXIGNER
  • Design Competition calls | CALL FOR
  • Japanese Design Competition calls
  • Commercial / Creative design festivals as exhibition opportunity:
    London Design Festival, Milano Salone, Design Miami, Stockholm Furniture Fair, Dutch Design Week, Design Shanghai, Singapore Design Week, Dubai Design Week, Melbourne Design Week, SXSW, Burning Man…
  • デザイン学会誌

  • Design Studies
  • CoDesign Journal
  • The Design Journal
  • Digital Creativity
  • Design Issues Journal
  • She ji: Journal of Design, Economics and Innovation
  • Journal of Design and Science
  • カンファレンス

  • Design Research Society
  • Design Conference calls
  • Cumulus Conference calls
  • Conference: Research through Design conference
  • Conference: European Design Academy Conference
  • Conference: Nordic Design Research Society
  • Conference: International Associations of Societies of Design Research (IASDR)
  • Conference: ACM CHI Conference
  • Conference: ACM DIS Conference

  • 応募方法ほか、詳細は本学公式HPの公募要領をご覧ください。


  • 業務内容、研究提案書フォーマットに関するお問い合わせは KYOTO Design Lab 事務局まで(enquiries[at]
  • 応募書類の提出は京都工芸繊維大学人事労務課まで(K-koubo08[at]
  • KYOTO Design Lab [D-lab] calls for applications for Design Researcher in Residence (Full-time Project Researcher Positions).

    Date of publication: Friday 20 December, 2019
    Application period: Tuesday 31 March, 2020 JST (submission deadline)
    Number of positions: two persons
    Date of appointment: From 1 October, 2020 at the earliest
    Employment status: Full-time
    Duration of contract: From 1 October, 2020 to 30 September, 2021 (commencement date may subject to visa date). Non-Renewable contract (up to 1 year)

    » Call for Applications (Project Researcher Position)

    Synopsis of KYOTO Design Lab

    KYOTO Design Lab [D-lab] is a platform for collaborations, founded by Kyoto Institute of Technology as a cross-disciplinary education and research base in the fields of architecture and design.

    Since its inauguration in 2014, D-lab holds the mission of “Innovation by Design” and plays a role of incubator where various areas of expertise come together to discover and solve social problems through ground work research.

    D-lab aims for societal implementation of innovation through international programs such as workshops and urban research with research units invited from universities around the world, researchers in various fields within the KIT, international companies and local organizations.

    Synopsis of Design Researcher in Residence Program

    KYOTO Design Lab [D-lab] had run several-month residence programs called “Design Associate” and “Designer in Residence” with the themes such as Social Interaction, Making & Material and Critical Curation and Interpretation.
    From the year 2020, we will launch a new one-year program “Design Researcher in Residence” under the theme of (Re) Generative Design.

    Research Theme: (Re)Generative Design

    Design in the recent years is made from the entanglement of built, virtual, social and natural environments. Plastic objects that have created and sustained modern living is now a subject of marine pollution, and it is not a simple problem to solve. If problem-finding and problem-solving is not a simple pair to match because of the entanglement, we, the university as a lab for the society, must explore the alternative possibilities.

    KYOTO Design Lab is located in the city of Kyoto with rich historical and cultural heritage. Between when the heritage was made and the present as well as the future, there is a huge time gap. However, historical heritage can transcend this time gap, reversely irradiating values of the alternative presents and the possible futures. Rather than merely retrieving the lost history, (Re)Generative Design aims to understand the complexity of the entanglement; it is a transhistorical design that creates the possible sustainable futures through rigorous examinations into the past and the present.

    (Re)Generative Design can include, and not limited to, the following subjects:

    1 Art&Craft Sustainability (collaborations with design / mechanical engineering faculty members)
    Seeking alternatives in the traditional applied art by exploring the existing techniques and emerging digital fabrication technologies, as well as means to create archives for new traditions. It envisions design systems/algorithms/processes that have long-lasting accessibility for the future generations.

    2 Urban Sustainability (collaborations with architecture faculty members)
    Speculating architectural and urban design for the future generations facing ageing population due to the decline of the local industry/community. This scope also focuses on the socio-cultural issues particular to the ancient city to speculate its generativity and historical continuity.

    3 Material Sustainability (collaborations with material science faculty members)
    Developing ecosystem for alternative materials that consider the full cradle-to-cradle circulations. It does not only look at recyclable materials but also the multiple circularity of material lifecycles, looking at the every aspect in manufacturing, designing, using, disposing and recycling.

    4 Genetic Sustainability (collaborations with life science / informatics faculty members)
    Applying Genetic Algorithm in informatics and/or CRISPER-Cas9 in synthetic biology to speculate the human relationship with man-made artefact(its design methods, tools, means, shapes, materials, meanings, implications) as seen in pre-modern societies. This scope aims to look at the intersections of code, gene and meme.

    5 Social Sustainability (collaborations with transdisciplinary members)
    Questioning the ego-centric design to come up with speculative eco-centric systems comprised of machine, nature and human. It can look at citizen-centred design, empowering greater participations in the design process and decision making to increase self resilience, or social design for technology-enhanced posthuman.

    Aims and Objectives

    For you

  • You can collaborate with our faculty members to develop a research project with competitive salary up to 1 year to build your professional profile/use your sabbatical and gap year meaningfully
  • You have the authorized access to D-lab facility on your research related to this employment for free (see the list of machines available)
  • Kyoto is an unique and historical city with rich research subjects/inspirational sources to explore (Fact: Kyoto is a home of large corporations including Nintendo)
  • You can interact with local craftsman/students to know the psychodynamics of Japanese people and culture
  • For us

  • Provide Bachelor/Master students with unique opportunities to know “Research is exciting”
  • Employ Research through Design(RtD) as a new field of enquiry
  • Disseminate exciting research outcomes through journals, conferences, competitions and festivals (means of disseminating knowledge does not have to be a full-paper, it can be anything as long as it is rigorously examined and delivered to the appropriate international audience)
  • Support for D-lab initiated events and projects including activities with students (having informal seminars with students should be one of the responsibilities, please do not just expect to have private personal research with professionals)
  • Details of Design Researcher in Residence Programme

  • We appreciate speculative, radical and experimental research proposals based on (Re)Generative Design that can inspire young students at KIT
  • Nationality, Age, Gender are unquestioned
  • We expect to have two design researchers in residence
  • Applicants must have masters degree or higher in design or relevant field
  • non-renewable contract basis
  • Your research deliverables may vary according to your research proposal: papers, design works, lectures, competitions and exhibitions
  • You are encouraged to disseminate research deliverables through KYOTO Design Lab: Exhibitions, symposiums, Social medias including Medium, YouTube and issuu
  • You may be requested to support the projects undertaken at KYOTO Design Lab
  • Once selected, you will sign a contract that outlines terms and conditions of your employment and intellectual property rights
  • Once selected, your research proposal will be revised with collaborating faculty members to spend constructive and meaningful time in Kyoto
  • Research Proposal Format

    Research question / title
    1) What is it that you want to investigate? Research Question should be short and simple, starting with What if…?
    2) Explain how the question is related to KYOTO design lab’s theme of (Re)Generative Design.

    Research background
    1) How is the research subject related to your interest / previous experience / skills? Tell us your story leading up to the application and demonstrate your competence.
    2) Why is it important to engage your research questions? Explain the importance of your research question with appropriate academic references. What is missing/unclear/debatable in the existing literature?

    Research approach/tool/method
    How would you challenge your research questions? Imagine and describe in detail the methods you wish to employ. (Research methodology must include Research through Design, and you may specify how you want to engage with it: tools, approaches etc)

    Required Resource
    1) What resources (hardwares/softwares/materials) will you require?
    (See the list of machines available for use at Design Lab here)
    2) Describe the potential collaborators if you wish to engage in co-design based research
    (Local craftsman, researchers in different field, elderly, people with impairments etc)

    Expected Outcome
    1) What do you imagine and plan to produce as a result of the research project, and what significance/academic contribution would it make?
    (physical artifact / photo / movie / service and system ?)
    2) Where do you plan to disseminate your contribution?
    (which exhibition / contest / conference / journal and when?)
    3) To whom do you plan to deliver your findings?
    (country / place / people and community)

    Project Schedule
    Describe in detail the schedule with some interim milestones.
    (deadline for preliminary research, prototyping, paper submissions etc)

    List bibliography for your proposed research project (papers, books, websites)


    Some references for research proposal writing

  • Website: how to make references for academic writing
  • Website: basics on designing research project
  • Book article: Ilpo Koskinen, Four Cultures of Analysis in Design Research, in Routledge Companion to Design Research
  • Slide: Ken Friedman, Research Writing Workshop
  • Paper: Ken Friedman, Models of Design
  • Useful to know more about Research through Design

  • Website: Interaction Design Foundation on Research through Design
  • Book: Design Research through Practice from the Lab, Field and Showroom
  • Mailing List: PhD Design
  • Competitions

  • Design Competitions calls | DEXIGNER
  • Design Competition calls | CALL FOR
  • Japanese Design Competition calls
  • Commercial / Creative design festivals as exhibition opportunity:
    London Design Festival, Milano Salone, Design Miami, Stockholm Furniture Fair, Dutch Design Week, Design Shanghai, Singapore Design Week, Dubai Design Week, Melbourne Design Week, SXSW, Burning Man…
  • Journals

  • Design Studies
  • CoDesign Journal
  • The Design Journal
  • Digital Creativity
  • Design Issues Journal
  • She ji: Journal of Design, Economics and Innovation
  • Journal of Design and Science
  • Conferences

  • Design Research Society
  • Design Conference calls
  • Cumulus Conference calls
  • Conference: Research through Design conference
  • Conference: European Design Academy Conference
  • Conference: Nordic Design Research Society
  • Conference: International Associations of Societies of Design Research (IASDR)
  • Conference: ACM CHI Conference
  • Conference: ACM DIS Conference

  • Please see the applications page (Project Researcher Position) for the details on how to apply.


  • For enquiries concerning the nature of the job and Research Proposal Format, please contact KYOTO Design Lab Office: enquiries[at]
  • For official documents and portfolio submission, please send to our Personnel Department: K-koubo08[at]