水野大二郎特任教授と津田和俊講師の共著『サーキュラーデザイン −持続可能な社会をつくる製品・サービス・デザイン』(学芸出版社)が刊行されました。






サーキュラーデザイン 持続可能な社会をつくる製品・サービス・デザイン

水野大二郎・津田和俊 著
図解総研 図

1章 サーキュラーデザインとは何か
2章 サーキュラーデザインから見る、衣食住が抱える問題
3章 サーキュラーデザインの現在ー萌芽的事例
4章 サーキュラーデザインを実践するためのガイドとツール

出版|学芸出版社 http://www.gakugei-pub.jp

“Circular Design: Products, Services and Businesses that Create a Sustainable Society” co-authored by Professor Daijiro Mizuno and Lecturer Kazutoshi Tsuda was published by Gakugei Shuppansha.

Circular design goes hand in hand with the circular economy developing sustainable activities that contribute to the global environment. This book explains the current sustainable issues and goes on to detail how to solve them with the help of methods, guidelines and tools.

Since our everyday necessities include food, clothing and housing, how is it possible to achieve sustainable circular design? This book proposes three objectives.

・ To understand past theoretical developments
・ To understanding the challenges and concrete issues that people are facing
・ To apply concrete methods for future activities

Circular design is inevitable in every aspect of materials, products, services, ecosystems, behavior change and business models. This book is a window that shows a path to designing a sustainable future and proposes abundant materials.

Circular Design: Products, Services and Businesses that Create a Sustainable Society

Authors. Mizuno Daijiro, Kazutoshi Tsuda
Graphs. Zukai Souken

Table of Contents
1. What is Circular Design?
2. Problems concerning food, clothing and shelter from the perspective of circular design
3. Current Circular Design Cases
4. Chapter Guides and Tools for Practicing Circular Design

Size|A5・240 pages
Publication Date|1 February, 2022
Publisher|Gakugei Shuppansha http://www.gakugei-pub.jp