デザイン・リサーチャー・イン・レジデンスの島影圭佑氏が中心となって企画運営した展覧会「“現実“の自給自足展」が、2022年2月14日[月]-2月24日[木]の日程で、N&A アートサイト(東京都目黒区上目黒1丁目11-6)にて開催されました。
1991年新潟生まれ。デザインアクティビスト。父の失読症をきっかけに文字を代わりに読み上げるメガネ〈OTON GLASS〉を仲間と共に発明。自立共生する弱視者やエンジニアを増やすプロジェクト〈FabBiotope〉に取り組む。
[Design Alternative Realities]
The exhibition [Design Alternative Realities] by Design Researcher in Residence Keisuke Shimakage held on 2022.02.14–24 at N&A Art SITE, 1-11-6 Kamimeguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo.
Based on the major theme of “Design for Generating Individual Reality” posed by Keisuke Shimakage, this exhibition consisted of a variety of events, including publicly recorded talk sessions, workshops, and performances. It was an opportunity to think about how to approach social issues from a practitioner’s perspective, such as the project “FabBoitope” for self-reliance and symbiosis that Mr. Shimakage proposes, and the future of inclusive design.
An interview with Mr. Shimakage unravels the story.
More Information
Keisuke Shimakage
Born 1991 in Niigata.
Design actvist.
Developed reading aloud classes〈OTON GLASS〉together with his team due to his father’s dyslexia.
Shimakage’s project supports people with low vision and engineers to coexist independently.