2014年に発足した京都工芸繊維大学KYOTO Design Labは、 世界有数の研究機関とのコラボレーションを展開し、 国内屈指の規模でデジタルデザインの教育・研究を行う 拠点組織へと成長しつつあります。 地球規模の気候変動のもとで循環型社会の構築が求められる今、 私たち自身のあり得べき未来像とは何でしょうか? 2023年夏から5回にわたる連続シンポジウムを通じ、その議論を深めていきます。

Since its inception in 2014 at Kyoto Institute of Technology, KYOTO Design Lab has grown into a leading center for digital design education and research, fostering collaborations with prestigious research institutions worldwide. As we confront the urgent necessity of constructing a circular society in the face of global climate change, it begs the question: What should our envisioned future look like? Beginning in the summer of 2023, we will embark on a journey of exploration through a series of five consecutive symposiums, delving deep into this very discussion.

2014年に発足した京都工芸繊維大学KYOTO Design Labは、世界有数の研究機関とのコラボレーションを展開し、国内屈指の規模でデジタルデザインの教育・研究を行う拠点組織へと成長しつつあります。地球規模の気候変動のもとで循環型社会の構築が求められる今、私たち自身のあり得べき未来像とは何でしょうか?2023年夏から5回にわたる連続シンポジウムを通じ、その議論を深めていきます。

Since its inception in 2014 at Kyoto Institute of Technology, KYOTO Design Lab has grown into a leading center for digital design education and research, fostering collaborations with prestigious research institutions worldwide. As we confront the urgent necessity of constructing a circular society in the face of global climate change, it begs the question: What should our envisioned future look like? Beginning in the summer of 2023, we will embark on a journey of exploration through a series of five consecutive symposiums, delving deep into this very discussion.


Adaptive Design

8th March 2024


Emerging Design, Fabrication and Assembly System focusing on Alternative Ways of Using Timbers


In the face of unprecedented social and climate change, modernist values are being in a state of urgency to change. Society's attention is shifting from supplying large quantities of the same quality product quickly to distributing customized products in appropriate quantities on a case-by-case basis. To address these challenges, we will discuss alternative ways of using timbers; design, fabrication, and assembly systems that take advantage of emergent digital technologies.


  • 2024年3月8日(金)17:00-19:30


〒606-8585 京都市左京区松ケ崎橋上町1
京都工芸繊維大学 松ヶ崎キャンパス
KYOTO Design Lab 2F

Kyoto Institute of Technology
Matsugasaki, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto,
6068585 JAPAN


Dynamic Heritage

10th February 2024

Dynamic Heritage−文化財保存における新しい方法論

Dynamic Heritage- New Methodology for Cultural Heritage Preservation

本シンポジウムは、伝統木造建築の保存において現状を詳細に記録できる点群データの活用,デジタルツールの活用を考え、建物の修理経緯や修理方針の検討において、建築史に先端技術を組み合わせた文化財保存における新しい考え方「Dynamic Heritage」を議論したい。

This symposium aims to delve into the use of point cloud data and digital tools to comprehensively document the current state of preservation in traditional wooden architecture. Furthermore, it intends to foster discussions on integrating cutting-edge technology into architectural history, paving the way for a fresh perspective on cultural heritage preservation known as “Dynamic Heritage.” This perspective is particularly relevant when examining the history of building repairs and repair strategies.


  • 2024年2月10日(土)


〒606-8585 京都市左京区松ケ崎橋上町1
京都工芸繊維大学 松ヶ崎キャンパス
京都工芸繊維大学60周年記念館 2階大ホール

Kyoto Institute of Technology
Matsugasaki, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto,
6068585 JAPAN

登壇者プロフィール/Speaker Profile


Circular Design

終了 25th August -
27th August 2023


Circular Design for System Transition


We will have in-depth discussions with experts from diverse backgrounds to explore various aspects as we transition towards a Circular Economy. These discussions will delve into topics like shaping the industrial ecosystem, designing institutions, and fostering talent development during this transitional phase. Furthermore, we will also explore how to embrace new values and perspectives that will support and enhance the design process.


  • 2023年8月25日(金) 13:00-18:00
  • 2023年8月26日(土) 9:30-18:00 一般参加可
  • 2023年8月27日(日) 9:30-17:00 一般参加可


〒606-8585 京都市左京区松ケ崎橋上町1
京都工芸繊維大学 松ヶ崎キャンパス KYOTO Design Lab

Kyoto Institute of Technology
Matsugasaki, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto,
6068585 JAPAN


Landscape Design

終了 16th September 2023


Future of Landscapes


Europe is facing water and electricity shortages as the Alpine glaciers melt due to global warming. In the 19th century, plant hunters brought plants from Asia to Europe, but global warming is changing the landscape of modern gardens. In Japan, planted mountain forests, cherry blossom and autumn foliage landscapes are modern, and new species have been acquired and spread throughout the country. In recent years, changes in seasons and landscapes have become more pronounced due to global warming.The lecture will feature Christophe Girot, professor emeritus at ETH, a pioneer in digital technology for analyzing landscapes through 3D scanning. What these landscapes look like in the Anthropocene will be discussed from Switzerland and Japan.


  • 2023年9月16日(土) 13:30-18:00


〒606-8585 京都市左京区松ケ崎橋上町1
京都工芸繊維大学 松ヶ崎キャンパス 京都工芸繊維大学60周年記念館

Kyoto Institute of Technology
Matsugasaki, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto,
6068585 JAPAN

Words for Designing Futures


Key words will be picked out from the discussions developed in the five symposiums to present the essence of the vision of the world that D-lab will be heading for in the future.

  • 量として減らしていくための戦略、フローの循環からストックの循環に移行するための戦略のようなものが必要だと思うんですね。

    I think we need some kind of strategy to reduce it as a quantity, a strategy to move from a flow cycle to a stock cycle.

    慶應義塾大学 教授


  • 「これが変わるとこうなりますよ」というのがなるべくシンプルに単純化された状態で伝わると、消費者がそれをベースにした行動変容ができるのではないか。

    If "this is what happens when this is changed" is conveyed in as simple and simplified a manner as possible, consumers will be able to change their behavior based on this information.

    金沢大学 准教授


  • 予防的、改良的、あるいは修復的、治癒的なアプローチというのが非常に重要です。そして、より暴力が縮減されていくシステムをデザインを提供できる段階にあるんじゃないか

    It is very important to have a preventive, remedial, or restorative and curative approach. And I think we are at a stage where we can offer designs for systems that will reduce violence more.

    多摩美術大学 教授


  • これは大崎町で実感していることなんですけれど、市民の2%ぐらいの人が納得して行動を起こすようになると、物事は動くんですよ。それって、すごく希望だなと思います。

    This is something I have experienced in Osaki Town, but when about 2% of the citizens are convinced to take action, things start to move. I think that is very hopeful.

    合作株式会社 取締役


  • スケールアップするためのアントレプレナーシップではなく日々の暮らしを良くするための企てという意味での「ローカル・アントレプレナーシップ」が起きているように感じています。

    I feel that "local entrepreneurship" is happening, not in the sense of entrepreneurship to scale up, but in the sense of schemes to improve our daily lives.

    国際教養大学 准教授


  • 知ること、アクセスすること、理論化できないことに対してつねに注意深く敏感に反応できる状態で、敬意と感受性を持って“違い”にかかわらなければならないと思っています。

    I think that we must engage "difference" with respect and sensitivity, always alert and sensitive to what we know, what we have access to, and what we cannot theorize.

    Associate Professor, RMIT University
