Design Researcher in Residence [2019/12-2020/11]
ブダペスト出身。ドイツの楽器アーティストであるマンフレッド・ブレファートや、ハンガリーでは工業デザイナーのフェレンツ・コラーと仕事をした後、2010年から京都に移り、京都工芸繊維大学で伝統的な木造軸組構法を学び、卒業後、宮大工として奈良県の重要文化財である称念寺の保存に従事した。2018年、同大学大学院で博士号を取得し、 (株) ネオマテリアでデジタル製造のデザイン研究員として入社。2019年12月から京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Labがおこなう、デザイナー・イン・レジデンス 2019に参加する。
Design Researcher in Residence [2019/12-2020/11]
Architecture Extended – Do Future Carpenters Dream of Digital Wood?
How could architectural heritage be not just regarded as a memento of the past, but the strategies of its creation be extended to the present, redefining contemporary digital manufacturing as the tools for future traditions?
The instances of traditional architecture from the past are often merely regarded as precious old objects, that are just to be preserved in their existing material form. Doing so, we might overlook the fact, that they are actually physical manifestations resulting from an ever changing series of human creativity based on material knowledge, innovation and theory.
If we rewinded the time to a certain point of the past, we would find that what we consider as traditional today, was actually a contemporary solution of problems in complex socio-cultural contexts, using the then latest, cutting edge technologies. Using Research through Design methods, the aim of this project is to create a link between the traditional analog and present day digital approaches by understanding the pragmatic strategies behind the creation workflow of traditional carpenters, and applying these to the paralleling modern manufacturing technologies.
Re-orientating the often efficiency focused automated digital manufacturing of our age in a more material based, craftsmanship-like dimension can also help us to concentrate rather on how we can extend the existing, than keep creating new from the scratch, resulting in a more sustainable future.
BARNA Gergely Péter
He was born in Budapest, Hungary. After gaining practical skills at the workshop of music instrument artist Manfred Bleffert in Germany, and industrial designer Ferenc Koller in Hungary, he moved to Kyoto in 2010 to study traditional wooden architecture. Parallel to his academic studies, he kept working as a carpenter at various restoration sites, such as the Important Cultural Property Shonen-ji temple in Nara Prefecture. Completing his Doctoral degree in Design Science at the Kyoto Institute of technology in 2018, he entered Neomateria Co. Ltd., a Kyoto based 3D printing material development company as a design researcher in digital manufacturing.