


ME310/SUGARで取り扱われるプロジェクトは多岐にわたり、これまで農業、自動運転、家電、デジタルトランスフォーメーション、災害救援、老人介護、産業機械、繊維などに焦点を当てたプロジェクトがありました。ご協力いただいた企業もヤンマーホールディングス株式会社、凸版印刷株式会社、全日本空輸株式会社(ANA)、中西金属工業株式会社など国内企業に加え、BMW(ドイツ)、 Renault(フランス)、 Rovio(フィンランド)、Triwool(ポルトガル)、Plansee(オーストリア)など多岐にわたります。詳細は本学ME310/SUGAR公式サイト(をご参照ください。なお、これまでご協力いただいた企業の皆様からは、本プログラムの活用による新規事業アイデアの創出に加え、若手社員を中心としたデザイン思考の教育効果など一定の評価を頂いております。



英 語:スシ・スズキ

ME310/SUGAR is a nine-month design thinking program at the Kyoto Institute of Technology where leading companies work with students around the world to develop innovative products or services. Starting with a loosely defined project brief, teams utilize design thinking methodologies to discover unmet user needs, conduct rapid prototyping and testing, and deliver a detailed concept. Many of the final concepts developed in the program have been further developed by companies and brought to market.

For companies interested in working with the best students around the world, project spots for the 2021 – 2022 year is now open. The spots are reserved on a first come, first served basis, and the projects will begin in October 2021.

Benefits of collaborating with ME310/SUGAR

– Develop new innovative products, services, features utilizing the design thinking approach with fresh young minds

– Conduct advanced research in new markets to identify opportunities for existing technologies or solutions

– Investigate the future of your industry by developing breakthrough conceps

– Incorporate new technologies (e.g. digital, A.I., IoT) into existing solutions to expand your offerings

– Access world-class students not just at the Kyoto Institute of Technology but in the global network of collaborating universities

– Experience design thinking from beginning to end through a full-fledged development program

For more information regarding the ME310/SUGAR program including its history originating from Stanford University, past case studies, and further information for companies, visit the website at


You can see the final presentations from the 2020 – 2021 program year at this link:

For project inquiries and any other question, please contact the ME310/SUGAR Teaching Team:

【ME310/SUGAR Contact】
If you are interested in working with ME310/SUGAR as a company, please contact Keita Tatara ( in Japanese or Sushi Suzuki ( in English.