The workshop was held in the atrium of the Peterson Build which houses the

The workshop was held in the atrium of the Peterson Build which houses the

KYOTO Design Labは日本企業2社からスポンサーを受け、2チーム8名の学生が9月よりプロジェクトに取り組んでいます。10月22日から28日にかけて米スタンフォード大学で開催されたグローバル・キックオフ・イベントでは、世界各国から23大学・約300人の学生と教員、29社のスポンサー企業が集まり、デザイン思考に関するワークショップが行われました。
会期中の目玉イベントとなる「Paper Chariot Race 2015」では、あらかじめ各国で製作された「紙で作られた乗り物=ペーパーバイク」が持ち寄られ、タンフォード大学の緑地広場に設定されたコースで競走しました。20台を超えるペーパーバイクが集まり激しいレースが繰り広げられ、本学の2チームも健闘しました。

The workshop was held in the atrium of the Peterson Build which houses the

The workshop was held in the atrium of the Peterson Build which houses the

From the 22nd to the 27th of October, the ME310/SUGAR students and Teaching Team from the KYOTO Design Lab attended the Global Kickoff Workshop (GKO) at Stanford University. GKO is an annual event where students and teaching teams involved in 2015-2016 academic year projects come to Silicon Valley at the beginning of their project to meet their partner teams, learn about design thinking, and begin their corporate projects.

This year in the biggest GKO ever, 250 students and 83 teaching team members (professors, teaching assistants, and coaches) from 23 universities and 15 countries (including Liechtenstein!) came to Stanford. Collectively, 32 projects were kicked-off.
GKO included many workshop sessions by professors from around the world including “needfinding,” “user empathy,” and “prototyping.” Site visits to many of Silicon Valley’s innovative companies, startups, and organizations were also part of the program. Sites included Apple, Cisco, Draper University, Box, Intuitive Surgical, and many more inspiring places.

Also part of GKO was the “Global Paper Bike Challenge.” Paper Bike is a warmup project in ME310 where students build a vehicle made of (mostly) paper and take on a challenge which changes annually. The challenge this year was a race on the rough terrains of Lake Lagunita at Stanford University. Two teams from the Kyoto Design Lab participated and one of the teams made it into the Semi-Finals. The winning team hailed from Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. (Full set of photos are available here.)

Kyoto Design Lab students have now returned to Japan and have started their corporate projects which will finish in early June and be presented at the ME310/SUGAR Design EXPE at Stanford.

Related article: Kyoto Design Lab joining the ME310/SUGAR Global Design Innovation network lead by Stanford University