KYOTO Design Labは、11月24日[金]〜26日[日]に開催される、国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構JSTが主催するサイエンスコミュニケーションイベント「サイエンスアゴラ2017」のリ・ブランディングを担当しています。担当しているデザインのうち、メインビジュアルとポスター、チラシのデザインが公開されました。
「科学をブランディングする — サイエンスアゴラのつくり方」
企画|京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab
開催|2017年11月24日[金]-26日[日] 終日
会場|テレコムセンタービル1階 アトリウムエリア
KYOTO Design Lab was tasked with the re-branding of “Science Agora 2017.” Organized by the Japan Science and Technology Agency [JST] this is the largest science communication event in Japan. D-lab has designed the main visual, poster and flyer designs and will be exhibiting the project process and other projects at the D-lab booth.
In implementing the project, the students were instructed by Satoru Miyata of DRAFT, who is a D-lab Director. The overall identity expressed “Beyond the Boundaries,” the Science Agora 2017 theme. The team are currently designing pamphlets, signs, installations as well as design of the space.
In addition, we are also responsible for designing a new logo for Science Agora, which will be presented at Science Agora 2017.
In the booth exhibition, we will exhibit movies and other materials relating to the branding process and spatial design of Science Agora 2017. Sharing science communication methods, we wish to build a network that leads to the discovery and implementation of new solutions for society. As a concrete example of interdisciplinary design based on science at D-lab, the 3D printed “STEM chair” designed by Assa Ashuach, D-lab’s 2017 Designer-in-Residence will be exhibited.
We hope to see you there!
Science Agora 2017 “Beyond the Boundaries”
Date: Friday 24 – Sunday 26 November, 2017
Time: 10:00-16:00 [the first day 12:45-18:00]
Venue: Telecom Center Building [Access]
Organized by Japan Science and Technology Agency [JST]
Booth exhibition
“Branding Science – creating the Science Agora identity”
Planning: KYOTO Design Lab, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Open: Friday 24 – Sunday 26 November, 2017
Venue: Atrium Area, Telecom Center Building 1F