KYOTO Design Lab[D-lab]は、下記の日程で、2015年度デザイン・アソシエイトとしてD-labで滞在制作をおこなったフランク・コークマンによるパブリックレクチャーを開催します。

コークマン氏は、デザイン・アソシエイトとして本学在籍中に実施したプロジェクトを含むこれまでの活動が評価され、栄誉ある2017年度Young Designer部門でDutch Design Awards (DDA) を受賞しています。


Prototyping Futures

日時|2018年4月27日[金] 19:00-20:30
会場|京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab
講師|フランク・コークマン[MA, RCA]
主催|京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab

フランク・コークマンはオランダ出身のクリティカルデザイナー、リサーチャーである。現在または近未来のテクノロジーに関わる社会経済的、倫理的、美的な意味合いをひもとくことを目指し、実験的な装置や批判的プロトタイプ、インタラクティブなインスタレーションによって、テクノロジーへのアクセスや適応にまつわる昨今の問題に言及している。最近のプロジェクトに、体外離脱体験のシミュレーター(Outrospectre)、DIY手術ロボット(Open Surgery)、家庭用疾患治療薬スクリーニングキット(Designs for Flies)などがある。複数の賞を受賞した後者二つの作品はKYOTO Design Labとのコラボレーションにより制作された。本レクチャーでは、これらの作品の背後にあるプロセスと方法論を紹介する。

ArtEZ(オランダ)にてプロダクトデザインの学士を取得後、英国王立芸術学院のデザイン・インタラクションズにて修士を取得。国際的に展覧会、講演、講義などの活動をおこないながら、オランダ・アーネムにデザインとリサーチのためのスタジオを構え、パートナーでありフォトグラファーであるユーケ・スコールとのコラボレーションに取り組んでいる。2017年のDutch Design Awards Young Designer部門を受賞。

KYOTO Design Lab will hold the public lecture “Prototyping Futures” by Frank Kolkman.

Frank Kolkman, the Dutch designer from Royal College of Art [RCA] Design Interactions who was D-lab’s Design Associate in 2016 won the prestigious Dutch Design Awards in its Young Designer Award category. Two projects developed in collaboration with D-lab were the rationale for the award.

Prototyping Futures

Date: 19:00-20:30 Friday 27 April, 2018
Venue: 2F, KYOTO Design Lab, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Lecturer: Frank Kolkman [MA, RCA]
Language: English
Admission free
Organized by KYOTO Design Lab, Kyoto Institute of Technology

Frank Kolkman is a Dutch-born critical designer and researcher interested in unpicking the socio-economical, ethical and aesthetic implications of current and near-future technologies. His work spans experimental devices, critical prototypes and interactive installations that address contemporary issues of technological access and adoption. Recent projects include an Out- of-Body simulator (Outrospectre) , a DIY surgery robot (Open Surgery) and a domestic drug screening kit (Designs for Flies). The latter two multiple award-winning projects were developed in collaboration with KYOTO D-Lab. His talk will cover the process and methods behind them.

Frank Kolkman
2015 MA Design Interactions, Royal College of Art, London(UK)
2011 BA Product Design, ArtEZ Institute of the Arts, Arnhem(NL)
Frank Kolkman is a dutch-born critical designer, artist and researcher interested in unpicking the socio-economical, ethical and aesthetic implications of current and near-future technologies. His work spans across experimental devices, critical prototypes and interactive installations that address contemporary issues of technological access and adoption. Recent projects include an Out- of-Body simulator, a DIY surgery robot and a domestic drug screening kit.
Frank holds a bachelors degree in Product Design from ArtEZ institute of the Arts Arnhem as well as a masters degree in Design Interactions from the Royal College of Art. Alongside exhibiting, speaking and teaching internationally he runs an independent design and research studio currently based in Arnhem(NL) – in which he often collaborates with his partner Juuke Schoorl.

Selected Grants / Awards
2017 Winner Young Designer – Dutch Design Awards, Dutch Design Foundation, Amsterdam(NL)
2017 Runner Up (Outrospectre) – VPRO’s Toekomstbouwers (National TV show), VPRO, Amsterdam(NL)
2017 Grant, Talent Development – Creative Industries Fund, Amsterdam(NL)
2017 Winner Digital (OpenSurgery) – Beazley Designs of the Year 2016, The Design Museum, London(UK)
2016 Winner Service & Systems (Designs For Flies), Dutch Design Awards, Dutch Design Foundation, Amsterdam(NL)
2016 Grant, 3-Package-Deal, Amsterdam Fund for the Arts(AFK), Amsterdam(NL)
2016 Award of Distinction (OpenSurgery), Interactive Art+, Ars Electronica, Linz(AT)
2015 – 2016 Design Associateship, Kyoto Design Lab (D-lab), Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto(JP)
