2018年6月30日[土]、京都工芸繊維大学にてKyoto Design Thinking EXPO 2018を開催します。デザイン思考への理解を深めるワークショップやパネルディスカッションに加え、国際的産学連携プログラム”ME310/SUGAR“の9か月にわたるプロジェクトの成果を発表します。デザイン思考の手法によって生み出された様々なプロジェクトを通して、あなたも未来のイノベーションを体験してみませんか。
10:00 ME310/SUGAR展示開始
10:30-12:15 ミニデザイン思考ワークショップ(日本語)
14:30-15:30 ME310/SUGAR企業向け説明会(日本語)
15:30-16:30 卒業生によるパネルディスカッション(日本語)
16:40-17:40 ME310/SUGAR最終プレゼンテーション(英語)
17:40-18:25 2018-2019期ME310/SUGAR参加希望学生向け説明会(英語)
18:45 ME310/SUGAR展示終了
19:00-21:00 スーパーSUDS(交流会)
・KYOTO Design Lab 2F
ANA × Aalto University(フィンランド)
Plansee × University of St. Gallen(スイス)
「コーン de ファッション」
Triwool × Porto Polytechnic(ポルトガル)
会場|KYOTO Design Lab 2階
会場|KYOTO Design Lab 2階
登壇者|石井聖己(工繊大デザイン学専攻修了) 、長﨑陸(工繊大デザイン経営工学専攻修了) 、西山恵太(京都大学経営管理大学院)
2009年にME310 Projectに参加するため、大学からは非公認ながらも何もない状況から48時間で結成された0期生チーム。各メンバーはそれぞれの立場で、それぞれのリスクを取りつつプロジェクトを成功させ、以降継続的にKITがME310/SUGARのデザイン思考国際教育ネットワークに参画する大きなきっかけとなりました。
会場|ME310ロフト(13号館1階) KYOTO Design Lab 1階
日本語:多田羅景太 tatara@kit.ac.jp
英語:スシ・スズキ sushi@kit.ac.jp
Come join the first-ever Design Thinking EXPO at the Kyoto Institute of Technology. Help us celebrate the conclusion of the nine-month global innovation program ME310/SUGAR (2017–2018). Discover the various project outputs from design thinking, and meet future innovators.
Saturday, 30 June 2018
10:00 | ME310/SUGAR booths open
10:30–12:15 | Mini Design Thinking Workshop (in Japanese)
14:30–15:30 | ME310/SUGAR Company Information Session (in Japanese)
15:30–16:30 | Design Thinking Alumni Panel Discussion (in Japanese)
16:40–17:40 | ME310/SUGAR Final Presentations (in English)
17:40–18:25 | Student Information Session (2018–2019) (in English)
18:45 | ME310/SUGAR booths close
19:00–21:00 | Super SUDS After Party
Venue: Kyoto Institute of Technology 60th Anniversary Hall and KYOTO Design Lab (location for each program is listed below)
The event is free and open to everyone, and no signup is required except for the Mini Design Thinking Workshop (see below). You are not required to stay for the whole event and you’re welcome to come and go whenever.
Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1660811437359095/
Each event will be in either Japanese or English. No interpretation will be provided.
What is ME310/SUGAR?
ME310/SUGAR is a program where students from universities around the world take on innovation challenges posed by global companies using design thinking methodologies. In nine months, student teams start from a broadly defined brief and develop a refined concept with a functional prototype, not just a series of post-its or ideas. Many of the concepts from ME310/SUGAR have been further developed by the partner companies and released into the market.
The program originated at Stanford University and has spread around the world to over twenty universities on five continents. The number of students worldwide has increased fivefold over the last ten years, but KIT is the only Japanese university in the network.
ME310/SUGAR Projects and Partners 2017–2018
“Travel companion in the palm of your hand.”
All Nippon Airways with Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland
“Heavy metal prototyping: smarter, faster, lighter.”
Plansee with University of St. Gallen in Switzerland
“Corn goes fast fashion.”
Triwool with Porto Polytechnic in Portugal
ME310/SUGAR Booths
The final prototypes from this year’s projects will be exhibited in trade-show style booths.
Venue: 60th Anniversary Building Entrance Hall
Mini Design Thinking Workshop
This workshop was developed by the Stanford University d.school to provide an introductory experience into the world of design thinking. Through hands-on activities, participants will be introduced to the basic elements of design thinking.
This workshop is limited to 20 participants. Please sign up at https://www.kit.ac.jp/form/view/index.php?id=51736.
Venue: KYOTO Design Lab, 2nd floor
ME310/SUGAR Company Information Session
This information session is for companies who are interested in partnering with the Kyoto Institute of Technology for ME310/SUGAR. Details of the program will be presented and discussed by members of the teaching team.
Venue: KYOTO Design Lab, 2nd floor
Design Thinking Alumni Panel Discussion
Panelists: Seiki Ishii, Riku Nagasaki, Keita Nishiyama
“Can you come to Finland next week?”
The original members from the first ever Kyoto Institute of Technology team to participate in ME310/SUGAR get back together to discuss the impact of a globally networked design thinking program, its impact on their careers, and life beyond academia.
Venue: 60th Anniversary Building, Main Hall
ME310/SUGAR Final Presentations
The three teams from the 2017-2018 program year will be presenting their final concepts and prototypes on stage. Come check out the creative results of thousands of hours of hard work and international collaboration!
Venue: 60th Anniversary Building, Main Hall
ME310/SUGAR Student information Session
This information session is for students interested in joining the 2018–2019 program at the Kyoto Institute of Technology. Details of the program will be presented and discussed by members of the teaching team.
Venue: 60th Anniversary Building, Main Hall
Super SUDS After Party
After the student information session, we invite everyone to the Super SUDS after party. This will be an public version of the informal weekly gathering known as SUDS, where members of the ME310/SUGAR community come together to chat over food and drinks. To celebrate the first Design Thinking EXPO Super SUDS, we would like to invite the broader community to come talk about the projects and design thinking with the students and the teaching team.
Venue: ME310 Loft, building 13, 1st floor KYOTO Design Lab 1st floor
If you are interested in being part of ME310/SUGAR at the Kyoto Institute of Technology for the 2018–2019 program year as a student, please visit and apply this from.
If you are interested in working with ME310/SUGAR as a company, please contact Keita Tatara (tatara@kit.ac.jp) in Japanese or Sushi Suzuki (sushi@kit.ac.jp) in English.