KYOTO Design Lab[D-lab]は、下記の日程で、2018年度 KYOTO Design Lab デザイナー・イン・レジデンス・プログラムとしてノーム・トーランと取り組んだ共同研究の作品展「目覚める収蔵品」を開催いたします。
会場|京都工芸繊維大学 美術工芸資料館
主催|京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab、京都工芸繊維大学美術工芸資料館
» D-lab東京ギャラリーでマールース・テン・ボーマー+ノーム・トーラン展「歩きはじめる女性+目覚める収蔵品」を開催します
KYOTO Design Lab [D-lab] will hold the Exhibition “The Reanimated Archive” at the Museum and Archives, Kyoto Institute of Technology.
The Designer in Residence is a competitive program in which an emerging international design talent is invited to spend a period of time at the D-lab. There they work jointly with KIT students and staff to develop new signature pieces in response to the context of Kyoto and to the research expertise of KIT.
The exhibition centres on a joint two-month residency by Noam Toran at D-lab. The project was initiated and led by Professor Julia Cassim.
Noam Toran
The Reanimated Archive:
the KIT Museum & Archives viewed through the folk tradition of Tsukomogami narratives
Period: Monday 10 – Friday 21 September, 2018
Venue: Museum and Archives, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Open: 10:00-17:00 (last admission is at 16:30)
Closed: Saturday 15 – Monday 17 September, 2018
Admission free
Organized by KYOTO Design Lab, Kyoto Institute of Technology and the Museum and Archives, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Please see the link below for the details:
» D-lab Designer in Residence Exhibition: “Walking Women + The Reanimated Archive” at Tokyo Gallery