KYOTO Design Labは、スイスを拠点に活躍する建築家マニュエル・ヘルツおよびシャディ・ラーバランと共同企画した展覧会「Food Shaping Kyoto(京都を形作る食)」を、ドイツのヴィトラ・デザイン・ミュージアムで開催します。会場はミュージアムのあるヴィトラ・キャンパス内で一際目を惹くバックミンスター・フラー・ドーム。その空間全体を、京の台所・錦市場の協力を得て2015年から続けてきたリサーチの成果に基づいて構成します。400点を超える資料と映像インスタレーションによる多彩な展示にご期待ください。
Food Shaping Kyoto
会場|ヴィトラ・デザイン・ミュージアム バックミンスター・フラー・ドーム
住所|Charles-Eames-Straße 2, 79576 Weil am Rhein, ドイツ
会期|2019年6月7日[金]-17日[月] 10:00-18:00
展覧会クレジット|Exhibition by the Vitra Design Museum, Shadi Rahbaran & Manuel Herz and the KYOTO Design Lab
企画|シャディ・ラーバラン&マニュエル・ヘルツ、京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab
コンテンツデザインディレクション|小野芳朗、エルウィン・ビライ、岡田栄造、池側隆之、三宅拓也(京都工芸繊維大学KYOTO Design Lab)
コンテンツデザイン|緒方胤浩、横瀬健斗、金 憙譽、宮川智将、孫 夢、萬喜亮太、平本 嵩、河西 陸(京都工芸繊維大学KYOTO Design Lab)
展示グラフィックデザイン|綱島卓也(京都工芸繊維大学KYOTO Design Lab)
ヴィトラ・デザイン・ミュージアム ディレクター|マテオ・クライス、マーク・ゼーントナー
KYOTO Design Lab will be holding an exhibition, “Food Shaping Kyoto” at the Vitra Design Museum in Germany, co-organized by Swiss architects Manuel Herz and Shadi Rahbaran. The venue is in the Buckminster Fuller Dome, which is the most eye-catching spot on the Vitra campus where the museum is located. We will construct the entire space based on the results of research we have conducted since 2015 with the cooperation of Nishiki Market. Please look forward to the various exhibitions with over 400 materials and video installations.
How cities have been shaped by cultures cultivated over a long period of time and the food cycle from production to consumption? At the Vitra Design Museum in Germany, the results of research on this globally important theme, which has been conducted in Kyoto since 2015, will be presented in an exhibition.
In the exhibition, the relationship between “City” and food in Kyoto was understood through 6 key words that cross urban structure and food culture: production, water, markets, distribution, urban morphology, and Gion Festival, and was depicted by architectural models, cooking models, tools used in the Nishiki market, and drawings, photographs, and images that represent the results of research. To share a wide variety of information with people around the world, the exhibition hall is designed by Manuel Herz and Shadi Rahbaran and consists of hands-on installations.
Exhibition Information
Food Shaping Kyoto
Venue | Vitra Design Museum, Buckminster Fuller Dome
Addresses | Charles-Eames-Straße 2, 79576 Weil am Rhein, Germany
Session | 7 – 17 June 2019, 10:00-18:00
Credit: Exhibition by the Vitra Design Museum, Shadi Rahbaran & Manuel Herz and the KYOTO Design Lab.