KYOTO Design Lab [D-lab]は、スイスを拠点に活動する建築設計事務所HILDEBRANDより、トーマス・ヒルデブランド氏をお招きして公開講演会を開催いたします。

KYOTO Design Lab
Public Lecture


日時|2019年10月7日[月] 18:30-20:30[開場 18:00]
会場|京都工芸繊維大学 東1号館 102室

トーマス・ヒルデブランドは、HILDEBRAND建築設計事務所の創立者(1999年)であり代表建築家。スイス・ビール市の工科大学にて就学の後、ロンドンのAAスクールを卒業。イギリス、オランダ、ドイツやアメリカにおいて実務経験を積んだ。スイス連邦工科大学ETHにて建築学科および都市計画学科において教鞭を取る(1997-2006)。German Design AwardNorth American Wood Design Awardなど多数受賞している。チューリヒ建築センターやチューリヒ建築フォーラムなどの理事を務めるほか、設計競技審査員やレクチャー、ゲストクリティックなどをスイス国内外で多数行っている。

KYOTO Design Lab [D-lab] will hold public lectures by Mr. Thomas Hildebrand, a co-founder of HILDEBRAND, at Kyoto Institute of Technology.

Looking forward to seeing you.

KYOTO Design Lab
Public Lecture

Thomas Hildebrand, Openness

Time: 18:00-20:30 Monday 7 October, 2019
Venue: East bulding No.1, Room 102, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Lecturer: Thomas Hildebrand
Admission free

Thomas Hildebrand is the principal architect and owner of HILDEBRAND, which was established in 1999. Before graduating from the Architectural Association School in London, he had previously studied at the Technical University Biel in Switzerland. He has lived and worked in England, Holland, Germany and the USA before opening his practice in Zurich. Hildebrand has taught at the ETH both in the architectural as well as in the urban design department between 1997 and 2006. The office has gained international recognition and has won numerous prizes and awards such as the German Design Award or the North American Wood Design Award. Thomas is on the board of directors of the Zentrum Architektur Zürich (ZAZ) and the Architekturforum Zürich and has worked on juries, as a guest lecturer or guest critic internationally.