京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab[D-lab]は、2021年11月3日[水] – 11月14日[日]の日程で、同大学発ベンチャー企業の株式会社colourloopによる、廃棄繊維を用いて生成された樹脂シートの新たな用途開発に関する展覧会「Fabric Re-engineered as Products」を開催いたします。
このような問題に対し、株式会社Colourloop(以下、Colourloop)は素材分別が困難な廃棄された繊維を色分別し、魅力的な素材として再利用するシステム「Colour Recycle System」を開発しました。繊維素材の風合いを残したオレフィン樹脂シートとして再利用可能になったことで、従来の故繊維リサイクル製品のみならず、多様な利活用方法の開発が現在求められています。
開催日 2021年11月3日[水] – 11月14日[日] 時 間 12:00-19:00 場 所 KYOTO Design Lab 東京ギャラリー(3331 アーツ千代田)[MAP] 閉廊 無休 入場 無料 主催 京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab
コラボレーター/ 株式会社colourloop
プロジェクトリード / 水野大二郎
テクニカルリード / 井上智博
櫻井 仁紀(ものや)
吉田 卓史(ものや)
ヴァンカートヴェン ダニカ(京都工芸繊維大学)
協力 / 株式会社オカノ
What possibilities do fibre-based recycled materials offer for product design?
KYOTO Design Lab [D-lab] of Kyoto Institute of Technology [KIT] will hold an exhibition titled “Fabric Re-engineered as Products” from the 3rd to the 14th of November, 2021.
The exhibition will showcase products developed through a year-long exploration into the possibilities of the application of a resin sheet material containing waste garments produced by colourloop co., Inc., a university born venture company that developed a method to divide discarded garments based on colour.
The textile industry has been identified as a major environmental problem due to its GHG emissions from production, use and disposal, and short life cycle of products. In Japan, the annual waste of clothing is around 1.4 million tonnes, much of it destined for landfill or incineration as recycling rates are low. A reason for this is the difficulty of material recycling; mixing materials when spinning, weaving and knitting.
In response to these problems, colourloop has developed the “Colour Recycle System”, a system that sorts discarded fibres based on colour, rather than material, and transforms them into new attractive materials.
The new system, which enables waste fibres to be remade into colourful olefin sheets, colourloop Waste Fiber Reinforced Plastic Sheet [WFRP Sheet], requires the development of a wider range of applications beyond that of traditional recycled material from waste fibres.
Here we present the design possibilities that have emerged from the collaborative research into new applications for the resin sheets. We would like to invite you to join us in imagining possibilities of this old yet new material made from discarded fabrics.
Period: Wednesday 3 November 2021 – Sunday 14 November 2021 Open: 12:00-19:00 Venue: KYOTO Design Lab Tokyo Gallery (3331 Arts Chiyoda)[MAP] Closed: Open daily Admission: Free Organizing KYOTO Design Lab, Kyoto Institute of Technology
collaborator /collaborator colourloop Co., Ltd.
Project Lead / MIZUNO Daijiro
Technical Lead / INOUE Tomohiro
Products and Exhibition Design
Sakurai Toki (monoya)
Yoshida Takuji(monoya)
Emma Huffman (Kyoto Institute of Technology)
Danika van Kaathoven (Kyoto Institute of Technology)
Support / OKANO INC.
For more details please refer to following website