KYOTO Design Lab[D-lab]は、2021年7月9日(金曜日)に「Kyoto Design Thinking EXPO 2021」を開催いたします。
Kyoto Design Thinking EXPOは、京都工芸繊維大学における「創造性」と「デザイン思考」をテーマとしたイベントです。例年シリコンバレーで開催される「ME310 EXPE」と「SUGAR EXPO」と連携して開催される本イベントでは、9か月間にわたる企業と学生による研究プロジェクトの成果をブース展示とプレゼンテーション形式で発表します。デザイン思考を通して世界にイノベーションをもたらしたゲストによる基調講演も予定しています。

【about ME310/SUGAR】


13:00-18:30 ME310/SUGAR 2020-2021 成果発表ブース展示
14:40-15:00 ブース展示オンライン中継(日本語)
15:00-15:45 ME310/SUGAR 参加ガイド(企業向け/日本語)
15:45-16:30 [基調講演] 牧野成将
           [株式会社Monozukuri Ventures 代表取締役](日本語)
16:45-17:15 ME310/SUGAR 最終プレゼンテーション(英語)
17:15-18:00 2021-2022期 ME310/SUGAR 参加ガイド(学生向け/英語)
18:00-18:20 ブース展示オンライン中継(日本語)


京都工芸繊維大学 大学センターホール(京都市左京区松ヶ崎橋上町1)



ME310/SUGAR 2020-2021 成果発表展示
会場:京都工芸繊維大学 大学センターホール

ME310/SUGAR 参加ガイド(企業向けプログラム説明会)
ME310/SUGAR プロジェクトに関心をお持ちの企業様向け説明会です

EXPO 2021 基調講演
牧野成将[株式会社Monozukuri Ventures 代表取締役]

ME310/SUGAR 最終プレゼンテーション

◯ “冷やす”を使ったキャンプ体験の新たなる挑戦
 協力企業 : 中西金属工業株式会社/KAIMEN
◯ 機械と人間のネットワークを通した 精神障害の察知・予防
 協力企業 : 武田薬品工業株式会社

ME310/SUGAR 参加ガイド(学生向けプログラム説明会)

  ME310/SUGAR 2021-2022期への学生の方の参加申し込みはこちらから

英 語:スシ・スズキ

【Kyoto Design Thinking EXPO お問い合わせ先】
京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab

The Kyoto Design Thinking EXPO is the final event in the nine-month international design innovation program, ME310/SUGAR. See students present their work, try out their prototypes, ask them about their experiences in the program, hear an industry leader’s thoughts on innovation. Whether you’re a student or in industry, find out how you can be part of ME310/SUGAR.
ME310/SUGAR 2020-21 started with an on-line global kickoff in October. It had an on-line global EXPO in June, and now culminates with an in-person (and on-line) local EXPO on 9 July 2021 at the Kyoto Institute of Technology.

【What is ME310/SUGAR?】
ME310/SUGAR is a program where students from universities around the world take on innovation challenges posed by global companies using design thinking methodologies. In nine months, student teams start from a broadly defined brief and develop a refined concept with a functional prototype, not just a series of post-its or ideas. Many of the prototypes from ME310/SUGAR have been further developed by the partner companies and released into the market.

The program originated at Stanford University and has spread around the world to over twenty universities on five continents. The number of students worldwide has increased fivefold over the last ten years, but KIT is the only Japanese university in the network.

For more information on the ME310/SUGAR initiative, please visit the following website.

【ME310/SUGAR Projects and Partners 2020–2021】
  “New camping experience utilizing ‘cooling'”
    Nakanishi Metal Works Co., Ltd./KAIMEN with Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
  “Sensing and preventing mental disorders through networks of humans and machines”
    Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited with Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany

Friday, July 9th 2021
13:00-18:30 | ME310/SUGAR booth exhibition
14:40-15:00 | EXPO Booth live walkthrough (Japanese)
15:00-15:45 | ME310/SUGAR Company Information Session (Japanese)
15:45-16:30 | Key Note Speech : Narimasa Makino
       [CEO / Monozukuri Ventures Corporation] (Japanese)
16:45-17:15 | ME310/SUGAR Final Presentations (English)
17:15-18:00 | Student Information Session for 2021–2022 (English)
18:00-18:20 | EXPO Booth live walkthrough (Japanese)

(Entry and exit during the event is possible.)

Kyoto Institute of Technology Center Hall
(1 Matsugasaki Hashigami-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City)
10 minute walk from Matsugasaki Station on the Kyoto City Subway Karasuma Line.(Access Map
(Off-campus participants can also participate online./preregistration required)

Please click on the link below to register. We will send you an email with the URL to watch the event when it gets closer.
(Registration deadline: July 8, 2021)

•The event is free and open to everyone.
•You are not required to stay for the whole event and you’re welcome to come and go whenever.
•Each session will be in either Japanese or English. No interpretation will be provided.

【Program Details】

ME310/SUGAR Booths
The final prototypes from this year’s projects will be exhibited in trade-show style booths.
Off-campus online participants will be able to watch the walkthrough live.

ME310/SUGAR Company Information Session
This information session is for companies who are interested in partnering with the Kyoto Institute of Technology for ME310/SUGAR. Details of the program will be presented and discussed by members of the teaching team.

EXPO 2021 Key Note Speech
The Future of Design Thinking – Open Innovation in Collaboration with Startups
Narimasa Makino, CEO / Monozukuri Ventures Corporation

ME310/SUGAR Final Presentations
The two teams from the 2020-2021 program year will be presenting their final concepts and prototypes on stage. Come check out the creative results of thousands of hours of hard work and international collaboration!

ME310/SUGAR Student information Session
This information session is for students interested in joining the 2021-2022 program at the Kyoto Institute of Technology. Details of the program will be presented and discussed by members of the teaching team.

【Application For Students】
If you are interested in being part of ME310/SUGAR at the Kyoto Institute of Technology for the 2021-2022 program year as a student, please apply below:

【ME310/SUGAR Contact】
If you are interested in working with ME310/SUGAR as a company, please contact Keita Tatara ( in Japanese or Sushi Suzuki ( in English.

【Kyoto Design Thinking EXPO Contact】
For any queries relating to Kyoto Design Thinking EXPO please contact (info@