京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab(D-lab)は、12月19日(土)から1月31日(日)まで、英国王立芸術学院(RCA)のフランク・コークマン氏と、デザイン・アカデミー・アイントホーフェン(DAE)のミッシェル・バッヘルマン氏と取り組んだ共同研究の作品展「デザイン・クエスチョンズ展」を開催いたします。
本展覧会では、2015年度のプログラムの中から、RCAのフランク・コークマンがデザインした家庭用疾患治療薬スクリーニング・キットと、DAEから来日したミッシェル・バッヘルマンが編み出した、3Dプリンティング技術を駆使した絹織物の立体表現をご覧いただきます。プロジェクトはそれぞれが、D-labが掲げるテーマ「Designing Social Interactions——デザインによる社会的課題の解決」および「Making and Materials——素材と工法の革新」に基づいており、ジュリア・カセムD-lab特任教授による指導のもと、3ヶ月間にわたって実施されました。
2つのプロジェクトは、生物学、繊維学の研究の最前線でどのような「デザインの問い」を抱き、どのような答えを形づくったのでしょうか? ぜひご覧ください。
会場|京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab東京ギャラリー
(〒101-0021 東京都千代田区 外神田6丁目11-14 アーツ千代田3331 203号室)
主催|京都工芸繊維大学KYOTO Design Lab
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KYOTODesignLab
Designs for Flies — 家庭用疾患治療薬スクリーニング・キット
フランク・コークマン|Frank Kolkman
2007-2011 ArtEZ Institute of the Arts Arnhem (NL), Product design専攻、2013-2015 Royal College of Art London (UK), Design Interactions専攻。2013- Frank Kolkman Experimental Design。受賞|2015 ヘレン・ハムリン賞ノミネート(UK)、2012 Mondriaan Fund 奨学金(NL)、2011 Arnhemse Nieuwe受賞(NL)
Woven Light — 絹織物の立体表現
ミッシェル・バッヘルマン|Michelle Baggerman
2003-2009 Design Academy Eindhoven (NL)、2010- Bureau Baggermanデザイナー、2012-13 and 2015 Design Academy Eindhoven リサーチアソシエート、2014 Koning Willem College 客員講師、2014-15 Beatrix College 講師。受賞|2010 The New Material Award(NL)、2010 The Social Design Awardノミネート、2011 The Friends of the Textile Museum 年間賞受賞 (UK)、2014 Samsung Launching People 3位(MX)
Design Questions – Designs for Flies + Woven Light
Period: December 19 (Sat), 2015 – January 31 (Sun), 2016
Closed: Mondays (except for January 11), Tuesdays, December 27 – January 7
Hours: 12:00-19:00
Admission: Free
Venue: Kyoto Institute of Technology – KYOTO Design Lab Tokyo Gallery (3331 Arts Chiyoda, Room203)
Room203, 6-11-14 Sotokanda Chiyoda-Ku Tokyo 101-0021
Access:[ http://www.3331.jp/access/en/]
Web:[ http://www.3331.jp/schedule/en/]
Organized by: Kyoto Institute of Technology – KYOTO Design Lab
The Kyoto Institute of Technology is known for its research excellence in the materials, life and information sciences and fibre technology.
In the KYOTO Design Lab Design Associate Programme, a young designer from abroad or within Japan is invited to work collaboratively with a Kyoto Institute of Technology professor on an ongoing research project for which design applications are required.
The aim is to harness Kyoto Institute of Technology’s research expertise and external networks using design innovation to address pressing social and economic issues and underscore the key mediating role design can play in interdisciplinary projects.
This exhibition centres on two recent three month-long projects from the KYOTO Design Lab Design Associates Programme. They fall within KYOTO Design Lab’s Designing Social Interactions and Making and Materials themes and were led by Professor Julia Cassim.
Designs for Flies
The project was a collaboration between Frank Kolkman, an experimental designer from the Royal College of Art, Professor Masamitsu Yamaguchi of the Department of Applied Biology at KIT, the Centre for Advanced Insect Research (CAIR) and Charcot Marie Tooth (CMT) Japan. It built on research by Professor Yamaguchi’s team on the building of a genetic map for CMT and the use of drosophila as a research methodology and addressed issues relating to both.
Woven Light
Michelle Baggerman is a designer from the Design Academy Eindhoven whose research focus is the combination of craft and technology alongside sustainability in textiles. Woven Light builds on the work of Professor Teruo Kimura from the Department of Advanced Fibro-Science at KIT and Masaki Ebara of Ebara Textiles, a specialist weaving firm in the Tango prefecture that weaves silk fabrics for religious garments and temple hangings. Their 14 denier transparent silk is the finest produced in Japan but no product applications beyond stoles have been found for it. The project brief was to identify new scenarios and develop product concepts for traditional silk when used in combination with plastics.