KYOTO Design Labは日本初上陸となるSUGAR EXPOを共催します

世界をリードするデザイン思考ネットワーク「SUGARネットワーク」が、2024年6月5日(水)に日本で初めて「SUGAR EXPO」を開催します。

SUGAR EXPOは、SUGARネットワークに参加する国内外26の大学の学生が開発した革新的な製品やサービスのコンセプトを紹介する年に一度の展示会です。これらの学際的なチームは、デザイン思考の方法論を用いて9ヶ月間かけて洗練された概念を実証するプロトタイプを作成します。多くのプロジェクトは、産業界のパートナーからスポンサーシップを受けており、過去には実際の製品やサービスに移行することに成功したものもあります。SUGARネットワークの起源は、スタンフォード大学の有名なME310プログラムにさかのぼりますが、京都工芸繊維大学はME310/SUGARプログラムに積極的に参加しています。



※本イベントは、KYOTO Design LabおよびSUGAR Networkの広報PRの一環として写真・映像の撮影をおこないます。ご参加いただく方で、撮影を望まれない方は受付の会場スタッフにお声がけ下さい。


SUGAR Project 2023-2024




10:00 プロジェクトブースオープン
13:30 オープニングセッション
13:40 基調講演:
14:00 基調講演:
14:20 パネルディスカッション:
15:00-17:00 プロジェクトチームによるプレゼンテーション
18:30 プロジェクトブースクローズ








ADAGE「世界で知っておくべきクリエイター」選出、 SXSW Interactive Awards受賞。カンヌライオンズ、文化庁メディア芸術祭など、テック・アート・広告の受賞多数。講師/寄稿:Forbes、日経クロストレンド、宣伝会議、シンガポールマネジメント大学、Mobile Marketing Forumなど。慶応義塾大学環境情報学部卒。







ChatGPTなどのAIツールがますます普及するにつれ、人々は不透明な未来への影響について疑問を抱いています。私たちはこれらのテクノロジーをどのように使えばよいでしょうか?これらのテクノロジーはどのように私たちに取って代わるのでしょうか? そして最も重要なことは、これらのテクノロジーは私たちのデザインやイノベーションの方法をどのように変えるでしょうか?


京都工芸繊維大学 准教授

京都工芸繊維大学でME310/SUGARプログラムを率いる。以前は、Paris Est d.schoolを共同設立し、École des Ponts ParisTechでデザイン・イノベーションを指導。また、スタンフォード大学のME310プログラムのエグゼクティブ・ディレクターも務めた。パナソニックヨーロッパでイノベーションチームの立ち上げや、アンティーク着物やアクセサリーのオンライン販売に特化した日本のスタートアップの共同設立、またドイツを拠点とするセマンティックプロダクトサーチエンジンである Yocondoでコンセプト開発者として働いた経験を持つ。





京都工芸繊維大学 60周年記念館(京都市左京区松ヶ崎橋上町、松ヶ崎キャンパス内)

Google map




英語| Suzuki)

The KYOTO Design Lab is thrilled to co-host the SUGAR EXPO, coming to Japan for the first time on June 5th!

The SUGAR EXPO is an annual showcase of innovative product and service concepts developed by students from the 26 universities within the SUGAR Network. These interdisciplinary teams spend nine months using design thinking methodologies to create refined proof-of-concept prototypes. Many projects are sponsored by industry partners, and some past creations have successfully transitioned into real-world products, services, or features. The SUGAR Network traces its origins back to the renowned ME310 program at Stanford University, with the Kyoto Institute of Technology actively engaged through its ME310/SUGAR program.

Alongside the project presentations, we are delighted to host Tomohiko Hayashi, Principal Director at Accenture song / Accenture ventures, and Dr. Falk Uebernickel, Professor for Design Thinking and Business Innovation at Hasso Plattner Institute and Co-Founder of the SUGAR Network, for a discussion on the future of design in the AI era.

The event is free and open to the public and will be conducted in English with simultaneous interpretation in Japanese. (Except for the project booth). No registration is required.

This event will be photographed and filmed for marketing or promotional purposes of KYOTO Design Lab and SUGAR Network. If you do not wish to appear in photographs or be recorded, please contact an event staff at the reception desk.

Learn more:


SUGAR Project 2023-2024

“Designing a entirely new digital system for Berlin’s public transport operations”
“Making driving assistance more simple and intuitive for the drivers of tomorrow”
“Creating a platform to support international students with personalized academic and professional guidance”
“Connecting construction equipment data to provide tailored customer solutions”
“Improving digital and online collaboration with AI”
“Using museums and art to inspire disruptive innovation within B2B companies”



Wednesday, June 5th, 2024
10:00 Project Booths Open
13:30 Opening Session
13:40 Keynote Speech:
“Enriching Customer Touchpoints: CX Design in the AI Era”
Tomohiko Hayashi (Accenture song / Accenture ventures)
14:00 Keynote Speech:
“Harnessing Collective Genius: Why the SUGAR Network Is Your Next Big Move”
Falk Uebernickel (Hasso Plattner Institute)
14:20 Panel Discussion:
“Future of AI in Design and Innovation”
15:00-17:00 Team Presentations
18:30 Project Booths Close


Program Details

| Project Booths

The final prototypes from this year’s projects will be exhibited in trade-show style booths. Come test out the prototypes and talk to the student teams.

| Keynote Speech

“Enriching Customer Touchpoints: CX Design in the AI Era”

Tomohiko Hayashi
Principal Director at Accenture Song / Accenture Ventures

Award winning CX and Marketing Leadership. ex-Robotics startup founder. Cannes Lions / ONESHOW jury.

“Harnessing Collective Genius: Why the SUGAR Network Is Your Next Big Move”

Get to know why the SUGAR Network for Design Innovation might be THE solution for your company. You get an introduction on the SUGAR Network, its uniqueness and operations. Furthermore, you get to know how we might bring innovation and solutions to your company.

Prof. Dr. Falk Uebernickel
Professor for Design Thinking and Business Innovation at Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany

Professor Uebernickel’s focus is on Digital Innovation and Transformation with a strong perspective on cognition and behavioral aspects, management, and adoption of Design Thinking, as well as finishing our global design thinking study. Thus, he is a lecturer for SUGAR Network projects to connect research and practical project work.

| Panel Discussion

“Future of AI in Design and Innovation”

As ChatGPT and other AI-based tools become increasingly prevalent, people are wondering about the implications for a murky future. How will we use these technologies? How will these technologies replace us? And most importantly, how will they change the way we design and innovate?

Join us for a panel discussion featuring Tomohiko Hayashi, Dr. Falk Uebernickel, and our moderator, Sushi Suzuki, as we delve into these pressing questions and explore the potential paths forward in an uncertain future with AI.

Sushi Suzuki
Associate Professor, Kyoto Institute of Technology

Sushi Suzuki currently leads the ME310/SUGAR program at the Kyoto Institute of Technology. Previously, he co-founded Paris Est and taught design innovation at École des Ponts ParisTech. He also served as the Executive Director of Stanford University’s ME310 program. Sushi has experience setting up innovation teams for Panasonic Europe, co-founding a Japanese startup focused on online antique kimono and accessories, and working as a concept developer for Yocondo, a semantic product search engine based in Germany.

| Team Presentations

The student teams will be presenting their final concepts and prototypes on stage. Come check out the creative results of thousands of hours of hard work and international collaboration!



Kyoto Institute of Technology 60th Anniversary Hall
Venue 1 | First Floor: Presentations
Venue 2 | Second Floor: Project Booths

Google map



Regarding the SUGAR Network, visit the website or contact Olga Schesler:

If you’re interested in sponsoring a project at the Kyoto Institute of Technology’s ME310/SUGAR:
English | Suzuki)
Japanese | Tatara)