先進的なデジタル技術を用いた制作で国際的に知られるデザイナーのアサ・アシュア氏は、現在、KYOTO Design Labのデザイン・アソシエイトで滞在制作を行っています。生成的なコーディングを用いたデザイン手法を得意とするアサ氏の手法は、ユーザーの入力に応じて多数の形状を生み出すなど、物体が形作られる前に「生命」を吹き込むように感じられます。
日時: 2017年6月30日[金] 15:00 – 17:20 [開場 14:30~]
会場: デジタルハリウッド大学 駿河台ホール
主催: 一般社団法人デザイン&テクノロジー協会
参加費: 会員 無料、一般 3,240円(税込) (申し込み多数の場合は正会員を優先とさせていただきます。)
Assa Ashuach KYOTO D-Lab’s current Designer in Residence is internationally known as a design pioneer who uses a wide range of the additive layer manufacturing technologies or 3D printing. He uses co-design and user interaction coding alongside engineering tools to examine the virtual ‘life’ of an object, before it is physically produced. Opened to user input, the digital object can be produced using a wide range of additive layer manufacturing with a mix of mass-production solutions.
Since January 2017, Assa has been working with materials scientist Professor Yoko Okahisa, a specialist in bamboo and cellulose nano-fbres from the Kyoto Institute of Technology’s Department of Bio-Based Materials. The aim has been to translate bamboo’s internal structure into producible 3D structures. Scaled-up by 3000 percent, we can now study the natural geometrical growth patterns of the bamboo, both in terms of structural porosity and its geometrical growth intelligence, data which can then be applied to optimize architectural structures and the use of materials in products.
They have been invited to present their findings from the current D-Lab project as well as their individual research by the Design and Technology Association in Tokyo on Friday, June 30 from 15.00 – 17.20. Further details at this link: