KYOTO Design Labで京都の町家について調査研究をされていた、マリー=テレーズ・ファン・トール准教授[デルフト工科大学]らによる共著書籍がデルフト工科大学 BK BOOKSより出版されています。

京都工芸繊維大学KYOTO Design Labでは、2015年度から2017年度にかけて、オランダ・デルフト工科大学の研究者を短期間招聘し、京都で町家の調査研究を行ってきました。本書はその成果をまとめたものです。6人の研究者が、都市計画や建築計画、建築保存、改修デザイン、建築材料、建築技術などの視点から、京町家の建物とその環境について論じています。日本の文献には記載されていないような成果や内容も数多く収められています。言語は英語です。下記URLからダウンロードして御覧いただくこともできます。どうぞご覧ください。

Heritage, History and Design Between East and West: A Close-Up on Kyoto’s Urban Fabric
編著者:Marie-Thérèse van Thoor、Sara Stroux
ISBN: 978-94-6366-028-0

Preservation and Adaptive Reuse as a Common Challenge Exchange between Delft University of Technology and Kyoto Institute of Technology / Yoshiro Ono
Debates on History and Heritage between East and West / Sara Stroux & Marie-Thérèse van Thoor
Machi Neighbourhood and Small Town—The Foundation for Urban Transformation in Japan / Carola Hein
Kyoto’s Landscape A close look at the Meirin District / Marie-Thérèse van Thoor
Machiya Today Concepts and Methods of Renovation Design / Kazuto Kasahara
Clay-Based Building Materials in Traditional Kyomachiya / Barbara Lubelli
Culture is in the Details / Hielkje Zijlstra
Adapting Traditional Machiya to a Contemporary Lifestyle / Lidwine Spoormans
Re-Programming a Machiya / Student Projects as Test Ground


“Heritage, History and Design Between East and West: A Close-Up on Kyoto’s Urban Fabric” edited by Marie-Thérèse van Thoor and Sara Stroux has been published by BK BOOKS, TU Delft.

Professor Yoshiro Ono, the D-lab founder and Assistant Professor Kazuhiro Kasahara were contributors to the book.

Comment from Assistant professor Kazuhiro Kasahara
KYOTO Design Lab invited researchers from Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) for a short period between 2015 and 2017 to conduct research on traditional houses in Kyoto. This book is a summary in English of their survey results. Six researchers discuss the buildings and situation of Kyomachiya from the viewpoints of urban and architectural planning, conservation and renovation and materials and building technology. Many insights and content that has not been described in Japanese literature on the subject are included. You can download or view it from the following URL.

Title: Heritage, History and Design Between East and West: A Close-Up on Kyoto’s Urban Fabric
Editors:Marie-Thérèse van Thoor、Sara Stroux
Publisher:BK BOOKS
ISBN: 978-94-6366-028-0
Download PDF:

Preservation and Adaptive Reuse as a Common Challenge Exchange between Delft University of Technology and Kyoto Institute of Technology / Yoshiro Ono
Debates on History and Heritage between East and West / Sara Stroux & Marie-Thérèse van Thoor
Machi Neighbourhood and Small Town—The Foundation for Urban Transformation in Japan / Carola Hein
Kyoto’s Landscape A close look at the Meirin District / Marie-Thérèse van Thoor
Machiya Today Concepts and Methods of Renovation Design / Kazuto Kasahara
Clay-Based Building Materials in Traditional Kyomachiya / Barbara Lubelli
Culture is in the Details / Hielkje Zijlstra
Adapting Traditional Machiya to a Contemporary Lifestyle / Lidwine Spoormans
Re-Programming a Machiya / Student Projects as Test Ground