ヤンマー株式会社より、水辺の新たなワクワク体験を提供するマリンアクティビティ「Wheeebo」の開発がプレスリリース発表されました。本製品は、ME310/SUGAR 2016-2017における、ヤンマー株式会社の課題「水と人をつなげる直感操作型スマートマシンの開発」に対して、スウィンバーン工科大学と本学学生が開発したプロトタイプがもとになっています。
水辺の新たなワクワク体験を提供するマリンアクティビティ「Wheeebo」を開発|2019年|ニュース|ヤンマー https://www.yanmar.com/jp/news/2019/04/25/53961.html


プロジェクト参加学生 野村涼平さんのコメント:

ME310/SUGAR project with Yanmar Co., Ltd.

スタンフォード大学発の国際的な産学連携ME310/SUGARとは、京都工芸繊維大学の学生と研究者が海外の名門大学と共にグローバル企業から課されたイノベーションの課題に取り組むプログラムです。本プログラムにKYOTO Design Labは日本で唯一継続的に参加しています。


Yanmar Co., Ltd. released a press release announcing the development of “Wheeebo” a marine activity that provides new and exciting waterside experiences. This product is based on the prototype developed by stdudents from Kyoto Institute of Technology and Swinburn University of Technology and Yanmar Co., Ltd. for the subject “Development of an Intuitive Smart Machine that Connects People and Water” from ME 310/SUGAR 2016 – 2017.

More details from below link.

Comment from Associate Professor Sushi Suzuki:
It’s really great to see an ME310/SUGAR project continue beyond the program phase and be further developed by the company to ultimately enter the market. Furthermore, it was wonderful that some of the original students were involved in the further development, keeping the academic-industry partnership and aiding the successful creation of the final product.

Comment from a student, Ryohei Nomura:
It has been a great pleasure and experience to be a part of the creation and development of the project from its beginning. I would like to thank everyone from D-lab, Yanmar making this valuable opportunity, and especially our teammates putting tremendous efforts in this. I am very excited to witness its further development and success.

ME310/SUGAR project with Yanmar Co., Ltd.

About ME310/SUGAR
ME310/SUGAR is a program where students and researchers from the Kyoto Institute of Technology work together with leading international universities to tackle innovation challenges posed by global corporations.

Detail about this program.