International Conference on Digital Fabrication (ICDF) 2020は、2年に一度の国際学会であり、慶應義塾大学でのICDF 2016と、インド工科大学でのICDF 2018の開催成功に続いて、2020年10月17-18日に台湾で開催され、さらに革新的な分野へと範囲を広げていくことを目指しています。

「ICDF 2020」において、バルナ・ゲルゲイ・ペーターが2019年度D-labデザインリサーチャー・イン・レジデンスとして取り組んだプロジェクトに関する論文「The effects of data modification on digitally archived 3D entities –A Case Study on Waraku-an Kaerumata–」(第一著者:バルナ・ゲルゲイ・ペーター、共著者:水野大二郎特任教授、清水重敦教授、中山理恵助教)が採択されました。学会会期中に発表の予定です。


Digital data is often regarded as eternally consistent, designating it as the appropriate tool for archiving physical 3D entities. This results in the emergence of parallel virtual existences, such as BIM (Building Information Modeling) in the context of architectural design.

However, certain aspects of digital data in architectural design archives are vulnerable to technological changes and modifying impacts and may become corrupted, making them unusable or inaccessible in the future. In the material world, the erosion of certain formations can be aesthetically linked to the notion of time. Although some parallels can be drawn between the alteration of digital and physical data, we argue that digital context has its distinct characteristics. Accordingly, working on Kaerumata, a decorative architectural member in traditional Japanese buildings, this paper aims to introduce a speculative case study on what impact the use of digital 3D data may bring to the practice of Japanese traditional architectural conservation and archiving.(バルナ・ゲルゲイ・ペーター)


ICDF 2020

The biennial conference, International Conference on Digital Fabrication (ICDF) has been successfully held as ICDF 2016 at Keio University and ICDF 2018 at IIT Hyderabad. ICDF 2020 will be held in Taiwan on October 17-18, 2020, which is aimed to enlarge the scope to further innovative fields with this subheading, Design, Art & Tech and demo gallery.

At ICDF 2020, BARNA Gergely Péter will present his thesis “The effects of data modification on digitally archived 3D entities –A Case Study on Waraku-an Kaerumata–”(First Author: BARNA Gergely Péter, Corresponding Author: Project Professor Daijiro Mizuno, Professor Shigeatsu Shimizu, Assistant Professor Rie Nakayama) about his research project made in 2019 as a D-lab Design Researcher in Residence.

Please check below the abstract of the thesis.

Digital data is often regarded as eternally consistent, designating it as the appropriate tool for archiving physical 3D entities. This results in the emergence of parallel virtual existences, such as BIM (Building Information Modeling) in the context of architectural design.

However, certain aspects of digital data in architectural design archives are vulnerable to technological changes and modifying impacts and may become corrupted, making them unusable or inaccessible in the future. In the material world, the erosion of certain formations can be aesthetically linked to the notion of time. Although some parallels can be drawn between the alteration of digital and physical data, we argue that digital context has its distinct characteristics. Accordingly, working on Kaerumata, a decorative architectural member in traditional Japanese buildings, this paper aims to introduce a speculative case study on what impact the use of digital 3D data may bring to the practice of Japanese traditional architectural conservation and archiving. (BARNA Gergely Péter)

Please check the link below for more details.

ICDF 2020