「Pivot 2020」は、2020年6月4日にテュレーン大学のPhyllis M. Taylor Center for Social Innovation and Design Thinkingと、The Pluriversal Design Special Interest Group of the Design Research Society (DRS)と共催でおこなわれる、多元的世界を再定義し、流動的な中心性、方法論、認識論、存在論をめぐる会話を促進するための、Pluriversal Design(多元的デザイン)についての世界ではじめての国際学会です。

この学会にて、岩渕正樹が2019年度D-labデザインリサーチャー・イン・レジデンスでのプログラムをまとめた水野大二郎特任教授との共著論文が「DECENTERING FUTURES」セッションにおいて採択されました。

デザインリサーチャー・イン・レジデンスは、(Re)Generative Designをテーマにした、ラディカルな発想や制作に基づく研究プロジェクトを本学教員と協働で展開するレジデンスプログラムです。



Speculation of The Purpose of Life in 2050 from Kyoto – Case Study on Transition Design in Japan | Pivot 2020



京都工芸繊維大学D-labの招聘デザイナーに着任しました。|MASA / Parsons School of Design|note

京都工芸繊維大学D-labで何をするのか?|MASA / Parsons School of Design|note

トランジションデザインの実践: 京都から2050年の生きがいを夢想する(その1)|MASA / Parsons School of Design|note

トランジションデザインの実践: 京都から2050年の生きがいを夢想する(その2)|MASA / Parsons School of Design|note

“Pivot 2020” is a virtual un-conference co-hosted by The Phyllis M. Taylor Center for Social Innovation and Design Thinking at Tulane University together with The Pluriversal Design Special Interest Group of the Design Research Society (DRS) on June 4, to encourage conversations around shifting centers, methods, epistemologies and ontologies for designing a world of many centers.

In the DECENTERING FUTURES session of Pivot 2020, Masaki Iwabuchi has presented his co-authored thesis with Project Professor Daijiro Mizuno, which is about the project he made in 2019 as a D-lab Design Researcher in Residence.

“Design Researcher in Residence” is a D-lab’s design research program under the theme of (Re)Generative Design.

In the recent years design has seen the expansion of problems it challenges, and design researchers have developed new theories, approaches and tools to deal with such complex socio-technical problems. Amongst such emerging design theories, Transition Design, a term coined by CMU Department of Design, received great attentions at the DRS conference in 2018. However, its practical contribution is not clear yet.

Accordingly this project, with Masaki Iwabuchi from Parsons MFA in Design and Technologies, worked on the case study on Transition Design for the future Kyoto. Transition Design is made from wide ranging theories and disciplines including Speculative Design and Social Construction of Technology; consequently we developed tools to visualize the multi-stakeholder environment mediation processes, and based on those tools we designed the future scenarios and artefacts.

Please check the link below for more details.

Speculation of The Purpose of Life in 2050 from Kyoto – Case Study on Transition Design in Japan | Pivot 2020

Please check the video below for Masaki’s presentation.

For project reports by Masaki, please see the following:

Masaki Iwabuchi joined the KYOTO Design Lab to research “Super Comprehensive” Human-Centered Design.

What I do in the KYOTO Design Lab

Case Study on Transition Design: Speculation of Life in 2050 from Kyoto (Part 1)

Case Study on Transition Design: Speculation of Life in 2050 from Kyoto (Part 2)