KYOTO Design Lab[D-lab]が2019年6月にドイツのヴィトラ・デザイン・ミュージアムで開催した展覧会「Food Shaping Kyoto」の展示デザインが、国際的なデザインアワード Red Dot Award 2020 ブランド&コミュニケーション・デザイン部門で入賞しました。
Red Dot Award について
Red Dot Award は、毎年18,000点以上の応募がある、1955年からつづく世界最大級のデザインコンペティションです。デザイン分野の多様性を専門的に評価するために、3部門「プロダクトデザイン」「ブランド&コミュニケーションデザイン」「デザインコンセプト」に分かれています。
受賞者はオンライン展覧会の形式で発表されるほか、受賞者が一覧できるRed Dot Award 2020 Yearbook に掲載されます。
Food Shaping Kyoto について
都市は、文化や生産・消費に至る食の循環によってどのようにかたちづくられてきたか?「Food Shaping Kyoto」は、都市と食の関係を都市構造と食文化を横断する6つのキーワード──生産、水、市場、流通、都市形態学、祇園祭──で読み解き、建築や料理の模型、錦市場で使用されている道具、リサーチの成果をあらわした図・写真・映像など、D-labが京の台所・錦市場の協力を得て2015年から続けてきたリサーチの成果に基づいて構成された400点以上の資料によって描き出した展覧会です。都市リサーチを紹介するテーブル、リサーチで収集したオブジェクトのライブラリータワー、京都の食文化を担う市場などの様子を表現した360度映像、京都の伝統食材とマーケットの装飾をイメージさせる天井インスタレーションなどを、バックミンスター・フラー・ドームの特徴的な円形の空間と食の円環の様相をリンクさせデザインし、来場者が京都への没入感を感じられるような空間体験により、都市を体験する新しい展示デザインを提案しました。
Exhibition Design:
Food Shaping Kyoto
Exhibition by the Vitra Design Museum, Shadi Rahbaran & Manuel Herz and the KYOTO Design Lab
京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab
京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab
Exhibition design “Food Shaping Kyoto” from the Vitra Design Museum, Shadi Rahbaran & Manuel Herz and the KYOTO Design Lab has won a Red Dot in the Red Dot Award: Brands & Communication Design 2020. The company succeeded in winning over the Red Dot Jury with the high design quality of its work. This means the the Vitra Design Museum, Shadi Rahbaran & Manuel Herz and the KYOTO Design Lab is one of the winners in the world’s most respected design competition.
About the Red Dot Design Award
With more than 18,000 entries, the Red Dot Award is one of the world’s largest design competitions. In 1955, a jury convened for the first time to assess the best designs of the day. In order to appraise the diversity in the field of design in a professional manner, the Red Dot Design Award breaks down into the three disciplines of Red Dot Award: Product Design, Red Dot Award: Brands & Communication Design and Red Dot Award: Design Concept.
In 2020, a total of 6,992 creative projects and brands from 50 countries were entered in the competition. In line with the motto “In search of good design and creativity”, the 24 international jurors assessed this year’s entries online and examined each piece of work and each brand individually and extensively in a professional manner. They paid special attention to the form, the idea and the impact. Ultimately, 909 projects that convinced the experts in terms of their high design quality and creative achievement received a distinction.
The award winners are presented in the yearbooks, museums and online. More information is available at
About the Food Shaping Kyoto
How has the city of Kyoto been shaped by its culture cultivated over a long period of time and the food ecosystem from production to consumption? In the exhibition “Food Shaping Kyoto” the relationship between the city and food was understood through 6 key words that cross urban structure and food culture–production, water, markets, distribution, urban morphology, and Gion Festival and was depicted by architectural models, food models, tools used in the Nishiki market as well as drawings, photographs, and images that represent the results of research. Tables introducing urban research, a library tower with objects collected through research, a chamber showing 360-degree video of the market crucial to Kyoto’s food culture, and a ceiling installation that inspires Kyoto’s traditional food and market decorations were designed to link the circular space characteristic of the Buckminster Fuller Dome with the food ecosystem. We proposed a new exhibition design that provides visitors with a spatial sense of immersion in Kyoto.
Food Shaping Kyoto
Exhibition by the Vitra Design Museum, Shadi Rahbaran & Manuel Herz and the KYOTO Design Lab
Vitra Design Museum
Rahbaran Hürzeler Architects
Manuel Herz Architects
KYOTO Design Lab, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Project Team:
Manuel Herz Architects:
Manuel Herz, Penny Alevizou
Rahbaran Hürzeler Architects:
Shadi Rahbaran, Marcel Wagner
KYOTO Design Lab, Kyoto Institute of Technology:
Yoshiro Ono, Eizo Okada, Takayuki Ikegawa, Takuya Miyake
Singapore University of Technology and Design:
Erwin Viray
Kyoto Institute of Technology:
Kazuhiro Ogata, Kento Yokose, Heeye Kim, Tomonobu Miyakawa, Meng Sun, Ryota Manki, Takashi Hiramoto, Riku Kasai, Takuya Tsunashima