本学の津田和俊講師は、大阪大学人間科学研究科人類学研究室博士後期課程の桜木真理子氏との共著で、COVID-19によるパンデミック下における日本のDIYコミュニティの対応、その中でも特にDIYフェイスシールドの共創の状況について報告する論文「Co-Design of Do-It-Yourself Face Shield in Japan Under COVID-19 Pandemic」を筆頭著者として執筆し、『Strategic Design Research Journal』Vol.13 に採用・掲載されました。

『Strategic Design Research Journal』は、ブラジルのヴァーレ・ド・リオ・ドス・シノス大学(University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos – Unisinos)が発行する雑誌で、デザインの理論と実践を発展させるためのデザインプロセスに関連する記事を発行する査読付き、オープンアクセス、インターナショナルなジャーナルです。

2020年12月に発行されたVol.13では、Design Contributions for the COVID-19 Global Emergencyが特集として組まれ、ゲストエディターに近年日本でも紹介が進んでいるエツィオ・マンジーニ(Ezio Manzini)らが参加しています。

Co-Design of Do-It-Yourself Face Shield in Japan Under COVID-19 Pandemic
Kazutoshi Tsuda, Mariko Sakuragi


Junior Associate Professor Kazutoshi Tsuda co-authored a paper with Mariko Sakuragi, “Co-Design of Do-It-Yourself Face Shield in Japan Under COVID-19 Pandemic”, which was accepted and published in Strategic Design Research Journal, Vol.13.

Strategic Design Research Journal (SDRJ) is a triannual publication (published every four months) by the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos – Unisinos. SDRJ is a peer-reviewed, open-access, international journal that publishes articles related to the design process, for developing design theory and practice.

Vol. 13, published in December 2020, features Design Contributions for the COVID-19 Global Emergency, with guest editors including Ezio Manzini.

Co-Design of Do-It-Yourself Face Shield in Japan Under COVID-19 Pandemic
Kazutoshi Tsuda, Mariko Sakuragi

Along with the spread of open design environments and various types of digital fabrication tools (e.g., computer numerical control machines, laser cutting devices, and 3D printers), the “maker movement” or “personal fabrication” has been spreading worldwide over the past decade. This case study introduces grassroots activities in Japan that are employing personal fabrication tools to manage the COVID-19 crisis, focusing on the co-design of do-it-yourself face shields for healthcare workers. We address various issues emerging from the activities of face shield production: (1) development of face shield designs and materials, (2) examination and information sharing regarding the practicality and safety of open-source designs, and (3) collaboration with local factories. Thus, we demonstrate the significance of maker contributions to COVID-19, and provide suggestions for challenges in the future.