
京都工芸繊維大学 清水重敦教授・清水研究室及びKYOTO Design Lab[D-lab]は、岐阜市からの受託研究として、岐阜県岐阜市・黄檗宗金鳳山正法寺の「岐阜大仏」(釈迦如来像 、岐阜県重要文化財)および「正法寺大仏殿」(岐阜市重要文化財)の3次元測量調査研究を実施。同大学 KYOTO Design Labの2019年度D-lab デザインリサーチャー・イン・レジデンス、バルナ・ゲルゲイ・ペーターが担当しました。成果物として3Dスキャンによる高精細の点群データを三次元デジタルアーカイブとして保存し、その利活用のためのマニュアルを納品したほか、3Dスキャンデータに基づくVR映像が公開されました。


  • これまで事例の少なかった木造建造物の3次元測量(3Dスキャン)を、巨大木造建造物である岐阜市・正法寺の「岐阜大仏」と「正法寺大仏殿」を対象に実施
  • 木材と紙を用いて建立された不整形な大仏を3Dスキャンすることで、正確な形態を把握し、修理箇所の特定、構造補強、保存計画に役立てることが可能に
  • 高精細3Dスキャナを利用し、363ケ所のスキャンで得られた2,147,483,647点の測量点より再構成。複数の解像度で計測し、汎用性の高いアウトプットの作成が可能に
  • このVR映像が現在 YouTube の岐阜市公式チャンネルにて公開されており、3Dスキャニング技術を用いた透視映像により、大仏殿の外観と大仏が安置された内部空間を擬似体験できるようになっています。



    場所:黄檗宗 金鳳山正法寺(岐阜市大仏町8番地)

    プロジェクトリーダー:清水重敦 教授 京都工芸繊維大学
    映像 作成・編集:バルナ・ゲルゲイ・ペーター 特任研究員 京都工芸繊維大学/KYOTO Design Lab


    Digital archiving of the Giant Wooden Buddha Statue and Great Buddha Hall using 3D scanning technology and proposal for future utilization

    Professor Shigeatsu Shimizu with Shimizu Studio at Kyoto Institute of Technology (KIT), and KYOTO Design Lab (D-lab), have succeeded in 3D surveying research on the Great Buddha (Statue of Shaka Nyorai, Important Cultural Property of Gifu Prefecture) and the Great Buddha Hall of Shoboji Temple (Important Cultural Property of Gifu City), with the commission from Gifu City. BARNA Gergely Peter, a Design Researcher in Residence of year 2019 at D-lab, KIT, was in charge of this project. The result from 3D surveying was archived as a 3D digital high-resolution point cloud data, with a manual for further utilization. In addition, a VR video based on the 3D data is now public.

    Goal of the research

  • Utilizing 3D scanning technology for two huge wooden structures (the Great Buddha of Gifu and the Great Buddha Hall at Shoboji Temple in Gifu City), which has rarely been explored in the past.
  • Understanding the exact form of the Great Buddha by 3D scanning the irregular shape with a framework of wood and a surface of scripture paper, and make further use for repair, structural reinforcement, and conservation planning works.
  • Enabling various resolutions of output by reconstruction of 2,147,483,647 points from 363 surveys using high-resolution 3D scanners. Measurements were taken at multiple resolutions, enabling the creation of highly versatile output.
  • This VR video is via the Gifu City Channel on YouTube. Through the perspective vision using 3D scanning technology, visitors can experience the simulated space of both the exterior of Great Buddha Hall and the interior with the Great Buddha.

    Gifu City Official Channel

    Great Buddha of Gifu (Gifu Daibutsu)
    The Great Buddha of Kinpozan Shoboji Temple, built in 1832, is known as one of the three Statues of Great Buddha in Japan, along with the Seated Statue of the Birushana Buddha (Rushana-butsu) in the Todai-ji Temple in Nara and the Great Buddha of Kamakura (Kamakura Daibutsu) in the Kotoku-in Temple in Kamakura. It is famous as the largest dry lacquered Buddha Status in Japan, with a body of weaved bamboo onto a wood frame, and a surface of various Buddhist scriptures lacquered with clay and gold.

    Great Buddha of Gifu (Statue of Shaka Nyorai) is an important cultural property of Gifu Prefecture, and the Great Buddha Hall is an important cultural property of the city, as well as an important component of the Important Cultural Landscape of Gifu in the Central Basin of the Nagara River(nagara-gawa chūryūiki ni okeru gifu no bunkateki keikan).

    Address: Shoboji Temple (8 Daibutsu-cho, Gifu City)

    Project Leader: Prof. Shigeatsu Shimizu, Kyoto Institute of Technology
    Video Editor: BARNA Gergely Peter, Kyoto Institute of Technology / KYOTO Design Lab
    Cooperation: Gifu City / Kinpozan Shoboji Temple

    This project is implemented as part of the Cultural Landscape Protection in Japan Project promoted by Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan.