バイオアートやスペキュラティブ・デザインなどの手法を用い、テクノロジーと人が関わる問題をテーマとする作品を発表してきたアーティスト・長谷川愛氏。デザインリサーチャー・イン・レジデンス プログラムとして、招聘研究に取り組んでいます。
その成果の一環として制作された作品「富士噴火茶席」(2021)、「TECHNO-THANATOLOGY 技術死生学 思索能試作」(2021)等が、展覧会『Ai Hasegawa 4th Annunciation』(TERRADA ART COMPLEX Ⅱ 4F/2021年4月23日〜 5月6日)にて公開されました。
デザインリサーチャー・イン・レジデンスは、(Re)Generative Designをテーマにした、ラディカルな発想や制作に基づく研究プロジェクトを本学教員と協働で展開するレジデンスプログラムです。
アーティスト。バイオアートやスペキュラティブ・デザイン、デザイン・フィクション等の手法によって、生物学的課題や科学技術の進歩をモチーフに、現代社会に潜む諸問題を照射する作品を発表。 情報科学芸術大学院大学(IAMAS)卒業後渡英。2012年英国Royal College of ArtにてMA修士取得。2014年から2016年秋までMIT Media Labにて研究員、MS修士取得。2017年~2020年3月まで東京大学 特任研究員。2020年より本学にて特任研究員。「(不)可能な子供、01:朝子とモリガの場合」が第19回文化庁メディア芸術祭アート部門にて優秀賞受賞。その他、国内外で多数の展示がある。著書に「20XX年の革命家になるには──スペキュラティヴ・デザインの授業 」(BNN新社)など。
Ai Hasegawa has worked on themes related to technology and people, using techniques such as bioart and speculative design. She is working as an invited researcher in Design Researcher in Residence program.
The exhibition “Ai Hasegawa 4th Annunciation” (TERRADA ART COMPLEX II 4F) held in April 23th – May 6th 2021, includes artworks based on her research such as “Fuji Eruption Tea Room” (2021) and “TECHNO-THANATOLOGY Speculative Noh Pilot Play” (2021). The art work continues Hasegawa’s previous subjects [Thoughts surrounding death and technology]. In addition, Hasegawa’s designs explore science fiction, Tales of Tono and Japanese Noh play and “Story” of past and present. Her artworks are regarded as “Technology related to death” or “Technology that shakes the concept of death”.
Design Researcher in Residence is a residence program that develops research projects based on radical ideas and productions in collaboration with University faculty members, with the theme of (Re) Generative Design.
Hasegawa Ai
Using techniques such as bioart, speculative design, and design fiction, Hasegawa’s works expose various problems hidden in modern society with the concept of biological issues and progress of science and technology. After graduating from the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS), Hasegawa finished Master’s degree (2012) in Royal College of Art, England. She worked as a researcher in MIT Media Lab from 2014 to autumn 2016 and obtained a Master of Science degree. During 2017-2020/3 she worked as a research fellow in Tokyo University.
Since 2020, she has been working as a specially appointed researcher at Kyoto Institute of Technology. The artwork “(Un) possible child, 01: In the case of Asako and Moriga” won the Excellence Award at the 19th Japan Media Arts Festival Art Division. In addition, her works are featured in various domestic and international exhibitions. Her literary works include “How to Become a Revolutionary in 20XX: Speculative Design Class” (BNN Shinsha).