水野大二郎教授・Synfluxの編著、『サステナブル・ファッション ありうるかもしれない未来』(学芸出版社)が出版されました。水野教授としては津田和俊講師との共著『サーキュラーデザイン −持続可能な社会をつくる製品・サービス・デザイン』、緒方胤浩さんとの共著『FOOD DESIGN フードデザイン 未来の食を探るデザインリサーチ』に続く刊行となります。
これからのデザインには、人類の望ましい未来を奪う現在の生産・消費活動を改め持続可能な未来をつくることが切実に求められるだろう。 ── プロローグより
サステナブル・ファッション ありうるかもしれない未来
水野大二郎, Synflux 編著 (水野大二郎, Synflux, 川崎和也, 佐野虎太郎, 平田英子 著)
装丁 UMA/design farm
プロローグ | 今、ファッション業界で何が起きつつあるのか |
1章 | サステナブル・ファッションとは何か |
2章 | 生分解・再生するファッションデザイン:バイオマテリアルとサステナビリティ |
3章 | 最適化するファッションデザイン:コンピュテーショナル・デザインとサステナビリティ |
4章 | 脱物質化するファッションデザイン:バーチャルリアリティとサステナビリティ |
5章 | 循環化するファッションデザイン:新品であること以外の価値を生み出せるか? |
6章 | 次世代ファッションデザイナーの育成が始まっている |
エピローグ | 消費社会の価値観を変えられるか? |
出版|学芸出版社 http://www.gakugei-pub.jp
Publication: “Sustainable fashion: Possible future” by Professor Daijiro Mizuno and Synflux(Gakugei Shuppansha). This is the next publication for Professor Mizuno after “Circular Design: Products, Services, and Businesses that Create a Sustainable Society” co-authored with Lecturer Kazutoshi Tsuda, and “FOOD DESIGN: Design Research for Future Food” co-authored with Kazuhiro Ogata.
The design of the future will be desperately needed to create a sustainable future by changing the current production and consumption activities that deprive humanity of a desirable future.
── from the prologue
As climate change due to global warming has become a reality in recent years, we are under pressure to change the industrial structure that has been supported by mass production, along with consideration for environmental issues. Focusing on fashion, this book introduces efforts to reconfigure the concepts of mass production, new products, and ownership through the four approaches of making clothes from fabrics cultivated by microorganisms, optimizing production and consumption by using computer algorithms, pursuing new ways to enjoy fashion using virtual reality, and recycling the waste as a resource. and new products, and the reconfiguration of the concept of ownership. The book describes a methodology to share a sustainable future for the earth and fashion and to make concrete moves.
The book includes the “Underwear of the Future” project using biodegradable materials, which is being jointly researched by D-lab and the Wacoal Institute of Human Sciences; computer-aided design that minimizes cost and material waste; digital wear that can implement digital data of garments on screen; and a system that allows the purchaser of a garment to Many examples from various brands and designers are also presented, including a program in which certain used clothing is sent to a factory for recycling and high-quality recycled yarn reclaimed from old fibers.
The exhibition explores the possibility of realizing sustainable fashion, which combines sustainability and socioeconomic activities, and examines the future of fashion and the industry’s mode of existence, what affluence transcends mass production, new products, and ownership.
For more information about the book, please visit Gakugei Shuppansha website.
Sustainable fashion: Possible future
Editing and writing|Daijiro Mizuno, Synflux (Writing|Daijiro Mizuno, Synflux, Kazuya Kawasaki, Kotaro Sano, Eiko Hirata )
Book design|UMA/design farm
prologue | What is happening in the fashion industry today? |
Chapter 1 | What is Sustainable Fashion? |
Chapter 2 | Biodegradable and regenerative fashion design: Biomaterials and sustainability |
Chapter 3 | Optimizing Fashion Design: Computational Design and Sustainability |
Chapter 4 | Dematerializing Fashion Design: Virtual Reality and Sustainability |
Chapter 5 | Circulating Fashion Design: Can we create value other than being new? |
Chapter 6 | Training of the next generation of fashion designers has begun. |
epilogue | Can we change the values of a consumer society? |
Price|2,800yen (+tax)
Publication|Gakugei Shuppansha http://www.gakugei-pub.jp