“For the Museums” – A brief History of Contemporary Architecture in Switzerland
主催:京都工芸繊維大学KYOTO Design Lab
問合せ:KYOTO Design Lab事務局 info@
スイス現代建築のルーツ(ベテラン世代と若手世代を含む)は、一般的に1970年代を振り返ることで見えてくる。スイス連邦工科大学チューリッヒ校(以下、ETH Zürich)の歴史を紐解くと、アルド・ロッシがスイス建築全体に及ぼした影響——とりわけ南部に与えた影響とSwiss Tendenza(スイス新合理主義建築)に与えた影響——は、ロッシがETH Zürichに籍をおいた二つの期間がそれぞれ分水嶺になっていると言われている。
ロッシの「autonomy自律性」に関する重要な論文は、今日もなおスイス建築において生き続けている。そのことは、美術館のためだけに絵を描き続けたセザンヌの言葉を参照した、ロッシの有名な格言「Architecture for the Museums」がもっともよく示しているだろう。
1970年ローザンヌ生まれ。1996年よりスイス連邦工科大学チューリッヒ校(ETH Zürich)で建築を学び、1997-2001年同校建築理論・建築史研究所(gta)にて助手を務める。2002年に博士号を取得後、カナダのラヴァル大学の助教授を経て2006年スイス連邦工科大学チューリッヒ校建築理論・建築史研究所助教授に就任。2011年より同研究所准教授を務める。2009年にはマサチューセッツ工科大学にて客員研究員を務めた。
Lecturer: Professor Laurent Stalder (ETH Zürich)
Title: “For the Museums” – A brief History of Contemporary Architecture in Switzerland
Date: 20 October 2015, 19:00-
Capacity: 100, Admission free
Venue: 60th Anniversary Hall
The roots of contemporary architecture in Switzerland – on this the older and younger generations agree – can, as a rule, be traced back to the 1970s. Rossi’s influence in the southern part of Switzerland, all the more on the Swiss Tendenza, as well as his two periods of residence at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich at the time, have often been described as a watershed in the history of the school. His central importance to the architectural discourse is easy to demonstrate, be it merely because of the significance his theses on the «autonomy» of the discipline continues to enjoy in Switzerland to this day. It can be best explained by the aphorism “Architecture for the museums”, that Rossi had coined in reference to Cézanne’s comment that he only painted for museums.
The lecture will trace the development of Swiss Architecture from the 1970s till today and by the way critically reassess Rossi aphorism and its consequence on the contemporary Swiss architectural discourse and practice.
Laurent Stalder (b. 1970, Lausanne) studied architecture at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, qualifying in 1996. From 1996 to 1997 he undertook a scholarship with the Swiss Institute for Archaeology and Architectural Research in Cairo, and from 1997 to 2001 served as an assistant at the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta) of the Department of Architecture of the ETH, where he obtained his doctorate in 2002. In the same year he became an assistant professor for architectural history at the History Department of the Université Laval in Québec / Canada. In 2006 he took up a post as assistant professor for architectural theory at the gta Institute, where he has served as an associate professor since 2011. In 2009 he was a visiting scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.