8月29日〜9月2日に開催いたします、アン・トゥーミー氏のワークショップ「インテリジェント・テキスタイル — 医療・福祉・スポーツの未来像」にあわせて、パブリックレクチャーを開催いたします。ぜひご参加ください。
講師 アン・トゥーミー(英国王立芸術学院 テキスタイル部門プログラム長)
日時 2016年8月31日(水)19:00- 20:30
会場 京都工芸繊維大学60周年記念館
Anne Toomey’s public lecture will be on August 31 from 19.00 – 20.30 at the 60th Anniversary Hall.
Lecturer: Anne Toomey, Head of Programme, Textiles, Royal College of Art
Date: August 31, 19.00 – 20.30
Venue: 60th Anniversary Hall
‘Multi-sensory material systems for healthcare and well being’.
Textiles and textile-type materials make up a significant proportion of our man-made environments and are incorporated into almost every aspect of our lives from stents and tissue scaffolds within our bodies to the extreme environments of space, deep sea and polar regions. Textile technology is omnipresent in our current world and, inevitably, our future environment.
Materials with unconventional properties such as shape memory behaviour, sensing, energy exchange, colour change, photonics and self-assembly enable us to create products and systems that are bio responsive, emit light, harvest energy, self repair, monitor and manage our health and well being.
Advances in digital technologies have opened opportunities for living with smart, complex product systems to make lives easier, better and simpler during the life journey from health and independence to increasing dependency and care. This will become more evident as notions of the quantified self and digital technologies become more pervasive in our lives and we become more dependent upon them. As we shift from taking care of our products to our products taking care of themselves and eventually taking care of us suggests future scenarios of wearable technologies as soft satellite devices in a seamless, connected personal ecosystem within the Internet of Things.
Whilst the intangible worlds of data and communication have evolved rapidly, the tangible world of the materials that interface with them is yet to mature.
What are the possibilities of broadening the range of the materials that interface with wearable technologies and what opportunities does this then present?
What are the new material expressions for wearable technologies enabled by emerging materials? Can we think radically about how materiality – and textiles in particular – can play a key role in the engagement of technology for older citizens as active users and how this multi-sensory engagement might manifest itself in future healthcare and well being scenarios?