本展では、これまで中坊がデザインしてきた多数の製品の中から「日常」という視点で選んだものを集めると同時に、KYOTO Design Labの新施設のためにデザインを進めている家具のプロトタイプを初めて公開いたします。
京都工芸繊維大学准教授 / プロダクトデザイナー
1972年京都生まれ。 1998年京都市立芸術大学プロダクト・デザイン専攻卒業。 松下冷機デザインセンター勤務後渡英、2002年英国Royal College of Artのデザイン・プロダクト科修士課程修了。良品計画企画デザイン室、ジャスパー・モリソンのロンドンオフィス勤務を経て、2010年Sosuke Nakabo Design Office設立。2014年より京都工芸繊維大学准教授。
日程:2016年10月29日[土]– 12月11日[日]|12:00−19:0[休廊日=月火・11月30日(水)]
会場:KYOTO Design Lab東京ギャラリー[東京都千代田区外神田6丁目11-14アーツ千代田3331 203]|入場無料
主催:京都工芸繊維大学KYOTO Design Lab
As a designer, Sosuke Nakabo, Associate Professor at the Kyoto Institute of Technology, has created many products, furniture and stationery items.
This exhibition shows these products which include electrical goods, stationery, furniture and others. Also introduced is the prototype furniture that he is currently developing for the new KYOTO Design Lab facilities.
The exhibition allows us to explore his fundamental ideas about design through his mass-produced products, those made with his own hands, as well as the everyday objects he has chosen. These can be seen alongside drawing and models from his working process.
We hope that you can understand his world and the thinking that underpins his design process and hand-produced work.
Sosuke Nakabo, Associate Professor of Kyoto Institute of Techinology since 2014.
Born in Kyoto in 1972, he worked at Panasonic in Osaka, Muji in Tokyo and at Jasper Morrison’s London studio. He opened his own studio in Kyoto in 2010.
He gained a MA in Design Products from the Royal College of Art (RCA) in 2002 and a BA in Product Design from Kyoto City University of Arts in 1998.
Sosuke Nakabo: Designing the Everyday
Date: October 29- December 11, 2016 [closed on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday November 30]|12:00-19:00
Venue: KYOTO Design Lab Tokyo Gallery 3331 Arts Chiyoda [6-11-14 Sotokanda Chiyoda-Ku Tokyo, 101-0021]|Admission free
Organized by KYOTO Design Lab, Kyoto Institute of Technology