KYOTO Design Labデザイナー・イン・レジデンスとして滞在中のデザイナー、アサ・アシュア氏の公開講演会を開催します。

日時:2017年1月27日(金)19.00 – 20.30:開場18:30


Femur Stool by Assa Ashuach (Permanent Collection, Design Museum, London)

イスラエル生まれ。ベツァルエル美術デザイン学院(エルサレム)でプロダクトデザインを学び、2001年にロンドンに渡る。RCAのRon Arad氏の元でデザイン・プロダクトを修了し、自身のスタジオでプロジェクトを進行させる。2003年の卒業時には、その年のthe RCA Society and Thames & Hudson Art Book Awardを受賞。
デザインと積層造形をつなぐパイオニアとして国際的に認知されている彼の作品は、ロンドンのデザイン・ミュージアムのパーマネント・コレクションとなっている。現在は、ロンドンを拠点に自身のスタジオを運営し、Digital Forming®、UCODO.™のクリエイティブ・ディレクターとして活動しながら、自身のリサーチ・オフィスを置くロンドンのMetropolitan Works のDigital Manufacturing Centreにてアドバイザリー・ボードも務めている。

Assa Ashuach

Public Lecture by D-lab’s Designer in Residence, Assa Ashuach

Title: The Future is Here – human intelligence vs machine automation (Hi vs Ai)
Schedule: Friday 27 January 2017|19.00 – 20.30 [OPEN 18.30]
Venue: Notre Dame Hall 1F K-102, Kyoto Institute of Technology

Assa Ashuach’s lecture will centre on three areas of his studio practice:
Firstly, the unique and innovative methodologies he has developed for digital design and manufacturing methods specializing in SLS polyamides and DMLS metal alloys. Within the wide range of the additive layer manufacturing technologies (widely known as 3D printing), he uses co-design and user interaction coding of dedicated 3D design alongside engineering tools to examine the virtual ‘life’ of an object, before it is physically produced. Opened to user input, the digital object can be produced using a wide range of additive layer manufacturing with a mix of mass-production solutions. Aesthetics, adaptation and reconfiguration of forms are elements in flux within this new product design workflow. Ashuach also designs and manufactures lifestyle products such as footwear, mobile phones, shaving devices, lighting and furniture etc. and produces limited edition studio pieces, using new design and production methods to achieve unique forms and aesthetic qualities.

Femur Stool by Assa Ashuach (Permanent Collection, Design Museum, London)

Born in Israel, Assa Ashuach studied product design at Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem. Moving to London in 2001, he continued to work on his own studio projects while completing a MA in Design Products under Ron Arad at the Royal College of Art. He graduated in 2003 and received the RCA Society and Thames & Hudson Art Book Award for 2003. An internationally recognised pioneer in the conjunction of design and additive manufacturing his work is in the permanent collection of the Design Museum, London. Assa currently manages his London-based studio and is the creative director of Digital Forming® and UCODO.™ Assa sits on the advisory board of London’s Digital Manufacturing Centre, Metropolitan Works, where his research office is based.

Assa Ashuach
