KYOTO Design Labは、スイス連邦工科大学[ETH Zürich]との共同研究「音と映像の3Dレコーディング」の実施に合わせ、ETH Zürichのランドスケープ研究室を主宰するクリストフ・ジロー教授によるパブリック・レクチャーを、11月2日[木]、京都文化博物館を会場に下記のとおり開催いたします。ぜひお越しください。
KYOTO Design Lab × ETH Zürich パブリックレクチャー
日時|2017年11月2日[木] 18:00-20:00
会場|京都文化博物館 別館ホール[アクセス]
主催|京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab
Professor Christophe Girot
スイス連邦工科大学チューリッヒ校[ETH Zürich]教授、建築学部ランドスケープデザイン学科長。
1957年パリ生まれ。1981年UCデイビス校で景観デザイン・計画専攻で学士号、1986年UCバークレー校で建築・ランドスケープデザイン修士号取得。1990~2000年ヴェルサイユ・ペイザージュ大学校(ENSP Versailles)教授・学科長(ランドスケープデザイン)。2001年よりアトリエ・ジローのディレクター並びにスイス連邦工科大学チューリッヒ校教授、建築学部ランドスケープデザイン学科長。2005年にランドスケープデザイン研究所を設立し、2014年まで所長を務める。その他、世界各地の大学等で講義、講演を行っている。
また、2009年にはLVML(Landscape Visualising and Modelling Laboratory/景観可視化・モデリングラボ)をスイス科学財団によりETHに設立し、同校のアドリエンヌ・グレ-ロガメイ教授と共同ディレクターを務め、画期的なエコデザインやポイントクラウド・モデリングなどを生み出している。
KYOTO Design Lab will hold the public lecture “Design Topology in the Digital Age” by Professor Christophe Girot, Chair of Landscape Architecture at the Architecture Department of the ETH Zürich. This is a lecture related to the “3D Scanning and Sound Recording,” a collaboration research between ETH Zürich and D-lab.
KYOTO Design Lab × ETH Zürich Public Lecture
Design Topology in the Digital Age
Time: 18:00-20:00, Thursday 2 November, 2017
Venue: Annex Hall, The Museum of Kyoto [Access]
Lecturer: Professor Christophe Girot [ETH Zürich]
Seating Capacity: 200
Admission free
Organized by KYOTO Design Lab, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Supported by the Embassy of Switzerland in Japan
A quiet revolution has taken place in the realm of digital design over the past decade, which has remained unnoticed. It is the introduction of geographically positioned digital point cloud models in analysis and design through the use of terrestrial laser scanners, and mobile and airborne Lidar. The scope and precision of such models are going to change the range of possible interactions between architecture and landscape in best design practice. There is also an uncanny aesthetic to the images produced in these digital models, which herald a heightened awareness to the built environment and how designers sense and play with it.
Professor Christophe Girot
Christophe Girot is Professor and Chair of Landscape Architecture at the Architecture Department of the ETH (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) in Zürich since 2001.He has directed the Institute of Landscape Architecture there from 2005 to 2014.
Emphasis at the Chair has been given to large scale landscape design and modelling with particular attention to the topology of natural systems in cities. The recently founded LVML (landscape visualising and modelling laboratory) of the ETH funded since 2009 by the Swiss National Science Foundation, and co-directed with ETH Planning Professor Dr. Adrienne Grêt-Regamey has enabled significant advances in applied ecological design and point cloud modelling.
Condensed CV
Born 1957 in Paris France
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Planning and Management UC Davis, California 1981
Masters of Architecture 1986 and Masters of Landscape Architecture 1988 UC Berkeley, California.
Lecturer at U:C. Berkeley and UC Davis, California 1987- 1990
Professor and Chairman of Landscape Architecture, ENSP Versailles 1990-2000
Professor of Landscape Architecture ETH Zurich 2001
Fritz Schumacher Prize in Urban Design, Hannover 2003
Founding of the ETH Institute of Landscape Architecture 2005
Founding of the ETH Landscape Visualising and Modelling Laboratory LVML 2009