KYOTO Design Lab[D-lab]は、トリノ工科大学タティアーナ・マザーリ准教授によるパブリックレクチャーを開催いたします。

「イタリアにおける人間とインダストリー4.0 “第4次産業革命”」

日時|2019年7月9日[火] 10:30-12:00
会場|京都工芸繊維大学 1号館 111教室
講師|タティアーナ・マザーリ准教授[トリノ工科大学 メディア・コミュニケーション・文化社会学]

インダストリー4.0 – 第4次産業革命 – それはデジタル「機械」と我々の関係がどのように進化しているか、そしてそれらが現在の社会的・生産的プロセスにどのように影響を与えているのかを示しています。Tatiana Mazaliは、Made in Italyの企業で実施された実証研究から収集されたデータを共有し、イタリア人がどのようにIndustry 4.0で発生した問題に取り組んでいるのか、およびその機会について考察します。とくに、イタリアの現代的「職人」の肖像を提供するために、人々とデジタル「機械」の間の関係に焦点を合わせ、デジタル文化と通信メディアが「インテリジェント」工場で重要なツールになっていることを分析します。

Tatiana Mazali

人間の働き方に対するデジタル文化のインパクトに関する研究活動を進めている。特に、デジタルワーカー、クリエイティヴな文化産業、インダストリー4.0 “第4次産業革命”のパラダイムについて。
近年の著書として“From industry 4.0 to society 4.0, there and back”, AI & Society 33(3) (2018); Il lavoro che serve. Persone nell’Industria 4.0, Guerini e Associati 2018; Digital Workers. I professionisti della creatività digitale, Aracne 2016.

KYOTO Design Lab [D-lab] will hold public lectures by Prof. Tatiana Mazali from Politecnico di Torino at Kyoto Institute of Technology.

Looking forward to seeing you.

Tatiana Mazali from Politecnico di Torino
People and Industry 4.0 in Italy.
Digital culture, work that changes, challenges for the university

Date and Time: 10:30-12:00 Tuesday 9 July, 2019
Venue: Room 111, E-1 Building, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Lecturer: Assistant professor Tatiana Mazali (Politecnico di Torino)
Admission free
Support: IIC Osaka

Digital culture and work have forged a new deal – never to be the same again. The work of service industries, manufacturing industries operating as part of Industry 4.0 are increasingly being driven by a change that hinges on digitizing production systems. How this impacts what goes on inside and outside companies urges us to seriously rethink what work is: organizational structures, business models and practices; to recognise new skillsets and training methods, and of course understand the ever-changing consumer culture.
Industry 4.0 ¬- the fourth industrial revolution – is also about how digital “machines” and our relationship with them is evolving and their impact on current social and productive processes. Doing so will help us define the path they will take us along in the future.
Sharing data collected from empirical research conducted on Made in Italy companies, Tatiana Mazali will provide an insightful look at how Italians are approaching issues raised by Industry 4.0 and the opportunities it provides.
She will analyse how digital culture and communication media are becoming key tools in “intelligent” factories, focusing on the relationship between people and digital “machines” to provide a portrait of the modern Italian artisan, that figure whose clever digital fingerprint can be found on Made in Italy products and production.

Tatiana Mazali

Tatiana Mazali
Tatiana Mazali, Researcher, Assistant Professor in Sociology of Culture, Media and Communication (Politecnico di Torino – Interuniversity Department of Regional and Urban Studies and Planning) She leads research activities on the impacts of digital culture on work, focusing on digital workers and professions, Creative and Cultural Industries, Industry 4.0 paradigm.
She is a board member of the Research Network “Sociology of Communications and Media Research” of the European Sociological Association. She is a board member of Digitcult@Scientific Journal on Digital Cultures.
Recent publications: “From industry 4.0 to society 4.0, there and back”, AI & Society 33(3) (2018); Il lavoro che serve. Persone nell’Industria 4.0, Guerini e Associati 2018; Digital Workers. I professionisti della creatività digitale, Aracne 2016.
