KYOTO Design Lab [D-lab]は、スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校より、マリリン・アンダーセン教授をお招きして公開講演会を開催いたします。
日時|2019年10月3日[木] 18:00-19:30(開場 17:30)
会場|京都工芸繊維大学 60周年記念館 2階大セミナー室
主催|京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab
スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校(EPFL)、Laboratory of Integrated Performance in Design (LIPID) を率いるマリリン・アンダーセン。彼女の研究活動は、健康、知覚、快適性、エネルギーをテーマとした昼光照明に重点を置き、建築のパフォーマンスをデザインに統合することに焦点を当てている。
また、オキュライト・ダイナミクスの共同設立者であり、スマートリビング・ラボのディレクターでもある。2013年から2018年までEPFL建築・土木・環境工学部長を務め、現在、LafargeHolcim Foundation for Sustainable Constructionの理事を務めている。
KYOTO Design Lab [D-lab] will hold public lectures by Prof. Marilyne Andersen from EPFL at Kyoto Institute of Technology.
Looking forward to seeing you.
Time: 18:00-19:30 Thursday 3 October, 2019
Venue: 60th Anniversary 2F Hall, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Lecturer: Marilyne Andersen
Admission free
Supported by Embassy of Switzerland in Japan
To provide building designers with the means to meet both qualitative and quantitative objectives, it is necessary to work at scales ranging from the occupant level to the urban environment. This approach oftentimes requires to build synergies between traditionally distinct domains.
Natural light greatly impacts how a building is experienced by its occupants. It affects their well-being, notably from their health and biological clock perspectives, but also their perceived visual and thermal comfort, or their emotional response. If we want to support the design of places of delightful – and daylightful – living, we must bring these multifaceted considerations to become integral drivers of the creative process.
This lecture will explore current research efforts aiming towards a deeper integration of performance considerations in the design process, notably as they relate to daylighting and indoor comfort, by creating bridges between architectural design and other fields of science ranging from chronobiology and neuroscience, to psychophysics and computer graphics.
Marilyne Andersen is Full Professor at EPFL where she heads the Laboratory of Integrated Performance in Design (LIPID). Her research activities focus on the integration of building performance in design with an emphasis on daylighting around the themes of health, perception, comfort and energy. She is co-founder of the start-up OCULIGHT dynamics and Academic Director of the Smart Living Lab. She was Dean of the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC) at EPFL from 2013 to 2018 and sits on the Board of the LafargeHolcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction.
She holds a MSc in Physics and a PhD in Building Physics, has been a Visiting Scholar at LBNL and tenure-track Professor at MIT where she founded the MIT Daylighting Lab in 2004. Author of over 150 refereed scientific papers with several distinctions, she was the first laureate of the Daylight Research Award in 2016 and led the winning Swiss team for the US Solar Decathlon 2017 competition.