KYOTO Design Lab[D-lab]では、イリノイ大学からの訪問研究員であるブライアン・アンダーソン氏による、公開成果発表会をおこないます。

そこで、「DESIGNED FOR SPEED」では、倫理的かつ真に迅速な家具規模のプロトタイプを通じて、新たなものづくりプラットフォームの可能性を探った。素材と流通のデザインによって開かれる未来を、展示と議論を通じて、ともに想像したい。

日時|2019年9月26日[木] 16:00―18:00(開場 15:30)
会場|KYOTO Design Lab 2Fホール
進行|水野大二郎 特任教授[KYOTO Design Lab]


KYOTO Design Lab[D-lab] will hold a public presentation by visiting scholar Brian, an associate professor at University of Illinois, Scholar at KYOTO Design Lab.
Anderson is working on a proposal to extend crafts using digital fabrication tools, typically 3D printers.
Looking forward to seeing you interested in computational design and digital fabrication.

Project brief
Due to the limited ability to re-circulate or recycle what we don’t or can’t use, and because of the general wastefulness of common manufacturing practices, society seems increasingly willing to consider alternate platforms for designing and producing. 3D printing is one among several approaches capturing our collective attention and imagination.

Additive manufacturing has great potential to simplify logistics and localize production in empowering ways. However, the associated design process can be complicated, actual production can be very slow, and the fidelity of locally-produced objects may not match what mass-production has established as the expected norm.

Through ethical and truly rapid furniture-scale fabrication, DESIGNED FOR SPEED responds experimentally, pragmatically, and optimistically to the potential for producing locally.

Date and time|16:00―18:00 Thursday 26 September (Open 15:30)
Venue|KYOTO Design Lab 2F Hall
Capacity|40 people (Admission Free)
Moderator|Prof. Daijiro Mizuno [KYOTO Design Lab]

Brian Anderson
Anderson is an academic industrial designer based at the University of Illinois at Chicago. His work explore interests in the history, nature, and structure of making from the scale of artisans and craftsman to that of small factories. Informed by the chemical science, craft traditions, and technical possibilities of material inquiry, Anderson’s investigations explore the labor and aesthetics of creative production.

As a maker, he examines the craft of design, combining traditional and advanced fabrication techniques to consider material-based meaning in designed objects. Developed as innovative forms, novel methods, and hybrid materials that demonstrate new ways of knowing, his studio work is as insistent in its reverence for what has come before as it is on imagining new possibilities.