KYOTO Design Lab[D-lab]は、テキスタイル・サマースクール2019に関連して、講師としてサマースクールに参加する里見美香氏[KOBAKANT]とカンガン・アローラ[セントラル・セント・マーチンズ、UAL]のパブリックレクチャーを開催します。



KYOTO Design Lab Textiles Summer School 2018
Public Lecture Series

日時|2019年8月27日[火] 18:30-20:30
会場|京都工芸繊維大学 60周年記念館2F大ホール
主催|京都工芸繊維大学 KYOTO Design Lab

Kobakant: How we got what we want with electronic textiles

金属や炭素といった導電性能を持つ糸を用いた導電性繊維は、従来のテキスタイルのように柔軟でありながらも、電子工学的な性能を実現する技術である。ミカ・サトミ、ハンナ・パーナー・ウィルソンによるKOBAKANTは、芸術分野での応用を10年以上追い求め、編み上げられたセンサーや刺繍されたスピーカーのようなユニークな電子機器を生み出している。今回のレクチャーでは、これまでのプロジェクトや実験、KOBAKANTの最新のプロジェクトKOBA e-textile tailor shopについて紹介する。

Mika Satomi [KOBAKANT]

スマートテキスタイルを用いたインタラクションデザインやフィジカル・コンピューティングを研究しているデザイナー兼アーティスト。ベルリン・ヴァイセンゼー芸術大学客員教授、ボロース大学繊維学部およびスコットランドの実践型デザイン研究所Distance Lab研究員。東京造形大学でグラフィックデザインを学んだのち、情報科学芸術大学院大学(IAMAS)でメディア表現を研究。2006年からHannah Perner-Wilsonと共同研究を始め、スマートテキスタイルやウェアラブルテクノロジーアートを用いたアートプロジェクトを手がけるKOBAKANTを共同で設立。スマートテキスタイルのオンラインデータベースHow to Get What You Want共著者。

The importance of place and collaboration in the design process


Kangan Arora [Central Saint Martins, UAL]


KYOTO Design Lab [D-lab] will hold the public lecture series by Mika Satomi [KOBAKANT] and Kangan Arora [Central Saint Martins, UAL] related to the D-lab Textiles Summer School 2019.

KYOTO Design Lab Textiles Summer School 2019
Public Lecture Series

Time: 18:30-20:30 Tuesday 27 August, 2019
Venue: 60th Anniversary Hall, Kyoto Institute of Technology
Language: English with interpretation
Admission free

Kobakant: How we got what we want with electronic textiles

Electronic Textiles is a technique that uses metalized or carbon infused electrically conductive threads and fabrics to create electronics that are soft and flexible. KOBAKANT (Mika Satomi + Hannah Perner-Wilson) has been exploring this technique in their artistic practices for the last 10+ years, creating unique soft electronics such as knitted sensors and embroidered speakers. Mika will introduce their journey into the field, projects and experimentations they have made, about their online database “How to get what you want?”, and their most recent project: KOBA e-textile tailor shop.

Mika Satomi [KOBAKANT]

Mika Satomi is a designer and artist exploring the field of eTextiles, Interaction Design and Physical Computing. She has been a guest professor at the Weissensee Art Academy Berlin, worked as a researcher at the Swedish School of Textiles and at the Distance Lab, Scotland in practice-based design research. She holds BA in graphic design from Tokyo Zokei University, and MA in media creation from IAMAS, Japan. Since 2006 Mika has collaborated with Hannah Perner- Wilson, forming the collective KOBAKANT creating artistic projects in the field of eTextiles and Wearable Technology Art. She is a coauthor of the e-Textile online database “How to Get What You Want”.

The importance of place and collaboration in the design process

Kangan will talk about her influences, her upbringing in India and how a place and culture can have a strong, defining bearing on one’s design narrative. Referencing both early experiences and recent commercial projects to illustrate the continued significance of origins and collaborative partnerships in creative output.

Kangan Arora [Central Saint Martins, UAL]

Kangan Arora trained at the National Institute of Fashion Technology, Gujarat, India and received her MA from Central St Martins, University of the Arts London where she is currently Associate Lecturer in Textile Design. She runs her own studio specializing in print and pattern design working across interiors, textiles, branding and packaging.
